Monday, December 7, 2020

Chinese Flu Watch -- December 7, 2020

Link here. Top five states for new cases per capita (seven-day rolling average):

  • Rhode Island tops the list, surging to 772 per 100,000;
  • then comes, Indiana, jumping from #5 to #2;
  • Alaska makes the top five for the first time, entering the list at #5;

California's economy is in deep trouble; the number of cases is just beginning to surge. It's all about herd immunity, urban density, and social distancing.

  • North Dakota's penetration (herd immunity) is approaching 11% and cases/capita are plummeting:
  • South Dakota, for some reason, despite a penetration approaching 10%, is surging again, #3 on the top five list;
  • California's penetration is a dismal 3.5%, below the US as a whole at 4.6%. Imagine what California is yet to face if it moves toward 11% penetration before the vaccine becomes widely available; the governor will shut down the entire state;

Deaths per capita, link here:

  • the top seven states: New England, New York, New Jersey, Mississippi, and Louisiana
  • #8: North Dakota
  • #9: South Dakota

Number of new cases reported yesterday:

  • California: 28,000; 3x Texas; almost 4x Florida;
  • Texas: 9,000
  • Florida: 8,000
  • Minnesota: 6,000

Energy Watch 

On "low demand" days in New England, renewable energy often reaches 13 to 14 percent of overall contribution. Today, for some reason, renewable energy is only accounting for 8 percent of consumption. Hydro electricity had to be increased to meet demand. I believe "hydro" from Canada is the most expensive source of energy for New England. Link here.

Star Watch

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