Friday, March 29, 2013

News From All Over: North Korean President Uses An iMac; So Much For "All Of The Above"

The (London) Telegraph, in an article on North Korea's plan to strike the United States, has a photo of the country's president at his desk. An Apple iMac is prominently featured in the lead photograph.

Talk about product placement.


Elsewhere, in Oregon, a new energy technology is not being placed.

EarthTechling is reporting
The first PowerBuoy [ocean wave-generated electricity] — prelude to a federally licensed, 10-buoy, grid-connected power plant — was supposed to be in the water off the Oregon coast last summer. That plan slid to early fall. Then it became this spring. Now? It might not happen this year, the company said.
You might recall that the plan for the site off Reedsport, Oregon, was to begin with a single PowerBuoy, not grid-attached. Assuming all went well in this testing, the company was then planning to install 10 grid-connected devices, totaling 1.5 megawatts of generating capacity.
According to OPT, in Feburary [sic], staff from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission informed the company that the deployment of the first PowerBuoy would be subject to all the requirements of the license granted last year.
So much for Mr Obama's "all of the above" approach on energy, unless he was providing the answer to the question: what energy projections will be regulated out of existence?