Thursday, February 2, 2023

Deglobalization -- February 2, 2023

Themes: 2023. Link here.

Deglobalization: no stopping it now. Link here.

The globalized world has seemingly been great for, access to foreign markets, the list goes why would the US choose to continue down the path of deglobalization?

The US has been heading down this path for years, and they're well past the point of no return. There are a few reasons we ended up here: the US never benefitted from this arrangement like everyone else, American politics are all about casting a wide net and making the most people happy (so when the globalization topic is hurting your party, you give it the cold shoulder), and most importantly, demographics.

Perhaps the only thing that could flip the script and make the US rethink this would be a security threat that impacts Americans more than anyone else.

Globalization served three purposes for the EU, all to stymie the US economy:

  • to move to "green energy," to even the playing field by destroying the US energy advantage;
  • to ensure a huge US market for EU goods that were becoming less and less competitive; and,
  • to force the US to be the guarantor of safe trade routes.

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