Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Apple Expansion; New Poll

MacRumors is reporting:
Last October, Apple began construction on the first phase of its Prineville, Oregon data center, a project ultimately planned to include two 338,000 square-foot data center buildings on 160 acres.  
Apple appears to be looking to add an additional 96 acres to its holdings in the area.
Apple has been on a data center building boom in recent years, opening a large facility in Maiden, North Carolina and moving forward on both the Prineville project in Oregon and another facility near Reno, Nevada. 
Apple's push into new data centers comes amid continued growth of Apple's digital stores, as well as growing iCloud services that require significant server capacity for Apple.
The company has committed to using 100% renewable energy at its data centers, building its own solar farms and fuel cell facilities in some cases and in other cases sourcing wind and hyrdroelectric power from local providers
Steve Jobs always talked about "skating to where the puck would be."

I think most folks assumed that Jobs/Apple "going solar" was for economic/public relations.  I don't think so. I think there's another reason. 

So, hold that thought.

I haven't updated any of the polls in several weeks (months?), so I need to update at least one.

I will update: favorite operator in the Bakken. The finals came down to:
  • CLR:  42%
  • KOG: 31%
  • WLL: 27%

So, now for the new poll. See the post above regarding Apple's commitment to 100% renewable energy. I personally don't think it has to do with public relations, the "right thing" to do, or economic reasons. I think there is another reason why Apple is committed to 100% renewable energy, and thus the reason for the poll. Sure, the other reasons facilitated the decision, but I think there was another reason. But don't let me influence your vote. When I close the poll, I will opine on what I think Apple made this decision (and, of course, I assume many readers know what I'm thinking and agree with me). 

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