Monday, May 7, 2012

Another Blog To Visit --

Rory sent me this link: Hugh Hewitt -- this one on energy. Enjoy.
But once the price went from ten cents per “coke can” to twenty five cents oil entrepreneurs went to work.  In Canada, they started accessing oil so heavy it won’t flow.  It requires steam heating and processing before it is useful.  At the higher price of twenty five cents per “coke can” that is now profitable.  Canada comes just after Saudi Arabia in oil reserves; they just aren’t the easy-to-access sort.

I spoke with a guy developing some of these Canadian reserves.  He told me they spent a hundred and fifty million dollars building a road just to get trucks and equipment to an oil field.  But at the higher price for oil, entrepreneurs find a way and paying the cost of access is part of it.
Canadian oil producers now expect production to double in the next fifteen years.

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