Friday, May 28, 2010

Oops! Hess Did It Again! An Orion Belt. Round 3.

For a full description of a Hess Orion Belt, click here.

Here is a very nice presentation by Hess regarding their multiple-well pads

This is really cool. Hess was granted six permits, again, to place six wells on one pad, this time in Robinson Lake, 21-T154N-93W, Mountrail County. They will go in the SWSE subquadrant and three horizontals, all long laterals, will go north; and, three will go south.

Specifically, the Frandson wells will go north into sections 21 and 16; and, the Trinity wells will go south into sections 28 and 33. I assume this is considered 2560-acre spacing which has generated a lot of discussion elsewhere. Some folks were concerned that a company was going to drill a 4-mile lateral on 2560-acre spacing, but obviously one can drill 2560-acre unit with standard "long laterals."

  • EN-Frandson-154-93-2116H-1, SWSE 21-154N-93W
  • EN-Frandson-154-93-2116H-2, SWSE 21-154N-93W
  • EN-Frandson-154-93-2116H-3, SWSE 21-154N-93W
  • EN-Trinity-154-93-2833H-1, SWSE 21-154N-93W
  • EN-Trinity-154-93-2833H-2, SWSE 21-154N-93W
  • EN-Trinity-154-93-2833H-3, SWSE 21-154N-93W
For another discussion of a Hess multiple-well pad, click here



      link to the "Bakken and Beyond" conference slides from Hess concerning these multi well pads....

    2. Outstanding link! Thank you very much. I will put the link in the main body of the posting so it is easy for folks just to click on.

      Really neat stuff, thanks.
