Sunday, October 2, 2022

Peak Oil Demand -- October 2, 2022

Stephen Covey's seven habits ...
  • fifth habit, for me, the most important, seek first to understand

Alex Kimani: the biggest argument for "peak oil" -- peak oil demand --

  • BP’s peak oil demand prediction in 2020 turned out to be wrong. 
  • a relatively large number of forecasts don’t see peak oil happening within the next few decades.
  • advancements in ICE engines and increased fuel efficiency have had a serious impact on fuel consumption. 

"Everyone" of us thought the EIA was manipulating the numbers. Maybe they were. But in the big scheme of things, gasoline demand is down even as Americans are driving more.

Now it makes sense.

I now get it.

And it has nothing to do with EVs, regardless of what some folks think.

Stephen Covey: seek first to understand. 

For The Archives

Early in my USAF career, it just so happened that the USAF had "bought" the Stephen Covey program and all officers had to enroll. I don't recall whether senior enlisted were also required to attend but with programs like this, the USAF often required senior enlisted to also take such training and education courses.

I vividly remember the seven habits but didn't pay much attention.

It was several years later that a major came into my office -- I was commander of the largest USAF medical facility in Turkey at the time -- with a request or an idea.  

He was an officer who had probably been promoted two grades higher than his potential and should have been separated years earlier. 

When I "cut him short," he reminded me of Covey's fifth habit: "seek first to understand."

That was a life-altering event for me.

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