Thursday, March 27, 2014

Too Precious To Lose

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Comments that were not posted because they did not add anything to the discussion. Although they were not posted, the comments were too "precious" to be lost. Most of these comments come from readers who a) do not agree with me; and, b) think President Obama is the greatest president the United States has ever had. 

December 21, 2015: wow, I haven't had a post from this gentleman for two or three years, it seems, and now he replies to a post regarding Seymour Hersh, perhaps one of the best New Yorker writers out there. It simply shows how much this individual has not been paying attentin. His comment (capitalization, punctuation, grammar still lacking):
amazed at your fascination with Obama continues. You would make a great vice president for trump unless you're a Muslim
July 22, 2014, a comment in reply to this post:
Ummm Bruce , you may want to read and (try to) comprehend the articles you link.
Your man (Ergodan ) is upset with the president because the president isn't a strong enough supporter of Isis in Syria and of the Palestinians in gaza. Ergo is right, I'm not sure he and the president have anything more to say to each other. Maybe you can call ergo and listen to him whine about the us not jumping up every time ergo wants us to do something he wants done. If you want the us to take foreign policy direction from random Middle East leaders who's interest May or may not line up with ours, go right ahead.
"Try and comprehend (sic) the articles you link." LOL. I did not even read this article; all I did was read the headline, view the photograph and its caption. That's all I needed to know. "The guy in the photo has quit talking to Obama."

July 21, 2014, a comment to this post:
Putin is not a writer. Putin is a grand master chess player operating in a vacuum on the international stage. (Their words, not mine, look it up. Oh wait, you don't have to look it up, you wrote it.
The grand master's chess game is going so well that he is hunkered down and very quiet except to blame Ukraine govt for something putin's covert op did. 
Curious what you think about putins strategy and implementation now and what you think happens next. Vlad does not appear to have any moves left. Does that mean something in chess?
"Anonymous" is getting tired; comments are losing their zing.

July 19, 2014, a comment to this post:
A 63 year old man (presumed mentally competent but not established) displays his cluelessness daily about 99% of what goes on around him. I can't make this stuff up. This has box office potential.
July 18, 2014, a comment to this post (I posted the comment despite the idiocy of the message; technology in medicine is moving even faster, and most Americans would want an experienced US physician, not a graduate of a foreign medical school with no residency training):
You can h1b for geologists. Experience in any technology is not necessarily a big advantage especially if the technology is rapidly advancing. The whole h1b came into existence because companies "don't want to pay" and tech disciplines like electronics and software are using h1b as much as they can. The only control is that there is a cap in this type of visa. Tech companies constantly lobby to raise the cap. If oil cos decide to jump on the h1b bandwagon experience won't save anyone. The whole point of h1b is to alter the supply/demand picture by increasing supply thereby mitigating any real or perceived shortages.
July 18, 2014, a comment to this post:
No surprise that someone with negligible training in any aspect of how private businesses operate finds "it fascinating" (their word not mine) to learn even the most basic functions of any given discipline.  
July 18, 2014, a comment to this post:
Yes Bruce you are absolutely correct.
"We" have come a long way.
In the past, similar incidents have not ended well. Maybe this one will or not.
In past similar situations , by now , we would have a) launched an Asian ground war in a civil war based on a fabricated incident (gulf of Tonkin ) or b) deployed 241 marines to their death and just hours later withdrew (Reagan Lebanon ) or c) Invaded, occupied and generally imposed mayhem and total devastation and destruction on the wrong country (Iraq). This is just a partial list, I could go on.
The point being it is a breath if fresh air that our current president has the courage and wisdom to not let actions get ahead of the facts. Mr Putin has shut up in the last 24 hrs. I think he realizes that he has made a major mistake in propping up the insurgency .
Now he is lieing and covering up Russian involvement. Russia is in deep trouble thanks to our cic who today calmly took your hero Putin apart. Where is Putin? Where is Bruce oksol? 
July 18, 2014, a comment to this post:
Why are people like the Australian pm upset with vlad? Vlad is well into his chess game on the international stage and just executed (no pun intended) the classic apology tour/blame Ukraine move that has the detached Obama stunned and speechless. Come on people, how is vlad supposed to know what happened other than this is all Ukraine govts fault. And they are supported by the undetachable/detached obama. Ergo Obama is to blame. Yea, that's the ticket. This wouldn't have happened if Obama had been undetached and didn't create a vacuum on the international stage. Thank god for courageous sensing mcain ready to avenge the death of 23 Americans. 
July 18, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
No surprise that someone with negligible training in any aspect of how private businesses operate finds "it fascinating" (their word not mine) to learn even the most basic functions of any given discipline.
July 17, 2014, Mike Helland, in reply to this post, wrote:
Microsoft is actually based in Redmond, a suburb of Seattle, on the very affluent East Side of King County and unaffected by the minimum wage increase.especially as it applies to the "City of Seattle' and not the county. 
July 17, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
This is nothing short of stunning. Bruce Oksol's hero and bff who he has a major man crush on just slam dunked Obama on the mh17 shoot down. Bruce's boyfriend just now called for a three day cease fire. Thats right folks not 2 days or 4 days but *three*. Oksol was quoted as saying this is a brilliant move from the grand master (vlad) in chess fashion and it has Obama reeling from the devastating blow. Bruce says vlad is the most impressive world leader "on the international stage" (whatever that is) he has seen since GWtf and dick . Obama ahold just resign (or something) 
July 16, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
"Yup, more of that global warming. More cognitive dissonance for the warmists. Don't you just love it? When it's warmer, it's due to global warming; when it's colder, it's due to an anomaly called the polar vortex. And, it's not open for discussion. The subject is closed." I enjoy irony as much as anyone, but you keep taking it to such extremes that it has to be meant to be sardonic. Shut up with the global warming is climate change and you have to be a complete tard not to see that. Are you trying to prove that old farts can't learn new tricks? subject closed
July 17 , 2014, in reply to this post, dholmen (or perhaps d holmen or perhaps Dennis Holmen) wrote: 
If being cautious and not making inflammatory statements before key facts are known and options defined and considered is your definition of "detached " then let's have more of this brand if detachment . I guarantee it will result in fewer people dead for nothing .
Maybe you can go for a (joy)ride in your f15d and take in pooty poot and the Ukraine insurgents. Oh wait you have a man crush (if you know what I mean) on vlad the chess prodigy. 
July 16, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Good lord. Cognitive dissonance happens when ones beliefs are in conflict with reality. Industries finding ways to reduce co2 emissions does not conflict with environmentalist beliefs. Just the opposite, it reinforces their beliefs. You are experiencing cognitive dissonance. Then again so much of what you post is riddled with error and/or just backwards you may want to consider seeking professional intervention. I sincerely hope you are not in the early stages of any serious illness. 
July 14, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Well that settles it. Its official. If (iron man) baroocie oksol has to wear a hoodie at the beach one day (or a few minutes) in the middle of July then this global
warming thing is certainly a hoax. 
If that settles it, I wish "anonymous" would go away. LOL.

July 14, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
If only we didn't have open borders when your ancestors came from Europe. 
Which, of course, makes absolutely no sense, and why I moderate comments. LOL. We didn't have open borders until 2008. My paternal grandfather came through Ellis Island.

July 13, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
I think it is kind of sad. A lot of grandkids are going to reflect on grandpa many years from now and think, what a dumb ass we had for a grandpa. 
For someone who thinks I'm a "dumb ass" (his words, not mine), anonymous certainly visits my blog a lot. Most likely for the humor.

July 13, 2014, in reply to this post (I forgot to link the post, my bad) wrote:
Your iceberg theory is moronic. A gallon of water freezes to be 1.01 gallons of ice. Much of an iceberg is above the water line, not therefore displacing water. For once, think before you write. Also, read an entire article before you refer to it. You have a flabby mind!
My hunch: it's the whiskey that's talking.

July 12, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Us companies could do business with/in Cuba if it wasn't for the right wing Cuba politicians in fl.
Has nothing to do with chess. If the us normalized relations with Cuba, then Russia and Putin would disappear.
Maybe you should contact your right wing nut cases in fl and let them know the Cold War is over? 
Now I know it's the whiskey that's talking.

July 12, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Oh yes it would all be better if baroooocie hadn't retired from the usaf.
His lifes work is now down the drain because of Obama . Oh what to do !
Lets wring our hands and harken back to the good old days of GWtf and cheeenie
nation building in the mideast east.
"Anonymous" appears to be having trouble figuring out what to call me.  

July 12, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
And a seventh shout out to the us taxpayer for their Chrysler bail out  
One has no idea how much I wanted to respond to this one, but I won't wrestle with pigs. The pigs love it and I only get muddy.

July 11, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
What a dummy. Gas is 3.60 on kingman and 4.00 in Barstow so bruce the nitwit gasses up in needles and pays 5$. Then this imbicile tells us to get ready for 6$ gas in six weeks. Obviously, this fool is a career government employee. 
There are indications English is not this person's first language; if it is, it appears he/she dropped out of school about the eighth grade. Which is fine.

July 11, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
your climate change denial and anti-Obama posts are a joke. Not the funny kind the sick kind. Stay on the road a little longer to clear your head of your right wing thoughts. Please post something that disagrees with you and see how many of you minions come out of the woodwork. 
At this point, it's hard to believe anyone would admit to being in love with President Obama.

July 8, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
You need at least 901 sq feet plus a vaulted ceiling just to fit your head in.  
This is why environmental activists annoy me; no matter what one does to save energy or save the environment, it's not enough. "Anonymous" has never once said what he/she does to "save" the environment. My hunch he is a production foreman for a major operator in the Bakken.

July 6, 2014, in reply to this post, dholmen, or dh olmen, or Dennis Holmen, asked:
How many people do you estimate regularly view your blog? Just curious? Your polls show only limited number of responses. Thanks. 
I guess he never got the memo (it's in he blog's "welcome/disclaimer" that the blog is not to be read by anyone other than me. I don't expect others to read it. To answer his question, only one person regularly views my blog: Dennis Holmen.

July 3, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Maybe it's time to bring back paula's boyfriend to deal with this latest Sunni uprising .
By now, he must understand oil having watched roughnecks drill a well or two (you see one oil well drilling rig, you have seen them all to paraphrase a certain b movie actor). And Paula probably wants her ex bf to get out of dodge (err, Bismarck ) asap and cut out the stalking.
Paula's boyfriends scam of paying off the sunnis who were kicked out of their army posts and otherwise disrespected worked up until he ran out of taxpayer money and malaki was supposed to fill the gap with jobs for the Sunnis and to let the sunnis back into Iraq society and govt. Ol malaki pulled out the rug from under paula's boyfriend by cutting out the Sunnis . Malaki had no intention of ever recognizing Sunni participation and slow rolled paula's boyfriend and GWtf to get us forces out.
The moral of the story is that there is NO us military action that will improve the middle east situation . We are better off letting them sort it out and absorbing any gas price increases that result. There are fascist and communist dictators and guess what, the oil still comes out of the ground and makes it to market. What if the price increase at the pump wouldn't be all that much and we didnt have to deal with 5000 body bags ? 
Supports my rationale for moderating comments. I don't want to embarrass "anonymous" by posting his/her comments.

This was such a long comment, I never got past the first line. 
July 1, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Well, as usual, there is something wrong with mr perry's assertion of the basic facts involved. Therefore, the accuracy of any conclusions drawn is highly dubious and totally based on chance. The article states that the approved project will transport alberta shale oil to the west coast port. Diluted bitumen capacity is not mentioned. We know enbridge did not want keystone xl capacity to be allocated for convention crude but allowed for some us (bakken) takeaway in order to get Montana buy in.
This story could benefit from additional research rather than misleading and jumping to conclusions in a knee jerk reaction manner. But mdw bought it hook, line and sinker. To paraphrase p t
Barnum, there's a sucker born every minute. 
July 1, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Yet the S&P continues to set records. Why?
Obamacare is just the monkey for the 800 lb gorilla that is healthcare costs. Rate of cost increases are unsustainable. The politicians fiddle while Rome burns. And that is BOTH parties of the idiots. Simply saying no over and over does not address the issue. 
Another person who understands the market.

July 1, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
No what began with George Wtf Bush was the use of the us military and tax dollars as part of a personal vendetta against the leader of a sovereign nation. If Bush or anyone advising him educated him on the history of sectarian conflict and the history it is not clear. Tens of thousands of Americans were directly affected 4500 dead and 30000+ wounded severely. Iraq dead are believed to be in the hundreds of thousands and a million Iraqis were displaced. The result today, directly attributable to bush and only bush is that for 10+ years of us involvement, Iraq is far worse off than before the us got involved militarily. There is no us military force that can alter the course for Iraq that the misguided military adventure set in motion. Combine Iraq with the bush legacy of economic disaster and ignoring terror threats and Obama comes out looking very good in comparison. Bush inherited a nation at peace and in prosperity with balanced budgets. So much for bush improving the situation when he took "command". I nominate GWtf Bush for the Bruce Oksol Commander Zero Award. Runners up are the 5 old white guys on the scotus and the republicans in congress. Special mention to the awards namesake for his role in the war on science and all around lack of analytical skills.
Five years later and it's still George Bush's fault. 

June 30, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Took 8 years for Bush to fuck things up, you think even Teddy Roosevelt could fix it in 8 years? Get off your useless Obama bashing, Rush 
When they start blaming Bush again, I know I'm dealing with a nutcase. 

June 30, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Another Obama legacy is putting up with nitwits like Bruce oksol who have no experience in the private sector or any significant training in much of anything as far as I can tell. Bruce likes to tell us how the private sector works lecturing us on what the price of a gallon of gas "should be". So tell us Bruce, what should gas cost us? 
Another comment that made absolutely no sense.

June 29, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
So Iraq is an ally? Gee, let me see. The Iraq army, funded, eqiuipped and trained by the us turns tail and blends in with the local civ population before a shot is fired? Some ally. They won't even defend their own country . So the us can count on this "ally" for ..... what ? 
I had some fun with that comment. I felt sorry for "anonymous."

June 26, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Get a grip  
June 25, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Just to calibrate the oksol scale of economic health, what was "your word" for what the admin of George Wtf Bush deleivered in 2008 that spilled over into 2009 and beyond in terms of the economy? Imploded? Createred? Vaporized? Let us in on the oksol scale of economic activity. You can do it Bruce. Knowledge of how national economies function (or how they malfunction) and how to explain it to the unwashed masses is a major oksol
strength. Oh wait ...... You could just admit that, as usual, you don't have much of a clue about what you are spewing about. Your postings are in dire need of a bs filter. 
"Anonymous" needs to get a grip.

June 24, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
I have a solution to reduced carbon emissions. All it would take is for Obama to come out against global warming intervention.The reaction from the GOP tpee peanut gallery would be a knee jerk (the operative word here is jerk ) reaction in favor of bold action on reduced carbon emissions. All of a sudden, the " I'm not a scientist (that's painfully obvious) crowd would jump on the intervention 
Again, a comment that made no sense; grammar, punctuation, spelling suggest "anonymous" dropped out of school in the eighth grade. Which is fine.

June 23, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
funny as heck to hear your boys on the Right, former EPA under Nixon, Reagan, and the Bush's, berate all those that can't accept climate change. You flat earthers are still hanging in there. As long as you don't admit being wrong, you never have to apologize...stay strong
"Stay strong"? Dan Rather?

June 22, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
For a global cooling update, google
Hottest may on record

June 18, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Just curious as to how, with your 21 years of formal education, you ended up being so ignorant. I am sure your past teachers are suitably impressed with your wisdom, intellect and achievements in life. Along the way, it's amazing no one clued you in that educated people have a deep respect for profound knowledge, no matter where it comes from. Even if it originates with people you despise for your own misguided motives and reasons. You seem to be obsessed with the idea that snowfall anywhere in the world proves man activity is unrelated to global warming/climate change. The name assigned us not the point. What matters is whether or not man activity causes undesirable effects. Your numerous postings add nothing in terms of knowledge to this debate. You are basically in the peanut gallery blathering nonsensically about a problem that is serious in a very unscientific way. Is your 21 years of formal edu in basketweaving or something equivalent. I can't see you passing any significant math or science class at any university even uci. I doubt you would be accepted at any real university except perhaps as some type of air force flunkie that the school had to take because of the money involved. On a competitive basis, you wouldn't qualify for any random diploma mill.  
June 18, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
21 years of formal education and you aren't a critical enough thinker to know the difference between "climate" and "weather" or know that there is no difference between a "Republican or Democrat" politician, and that Pravda is more truthful than the Drudge Report. Damn tragic. Probably did all your schooling in the sciences where they don't require you to think critically. Bush still the worst President in our history, on every measurable scale. You all deserve the Bush's, the Palin's, the Romney's and the Obama's...You ignorant partisan sheep deserve these losers.
June 18, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Yes, there are many levels to the Iraq refinery story. For instance, the refinery produces refined product for domestic (Iraq) consumption. If the refinery closes or operates at a reduced capacity. Since I don't buy my gas in Iraq, supply is not an issue for me. Crude price May or may not be affected. Uncertainty may drive crude up but it is also possible that some of the crude not being used by the refinery would make its way to the world market. I realize you are cheerleading for more chaos in Iraq because you think it works against Obama. Another example of republican leadership. It's not doing what is in Americas best interest, it is opposing anything Obama does as knee jerk, (and jerk) reaction.
June 10, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Dumb asses are always the last to know.
June 10, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
The anticipatory (if that is even a word) skills of bush, cheeney and rummy (dummy) ) are truly awesome in retrospect. The Iraq war (a war of choice) will haunt and complicate world events including but not limited to energy
negatively for a long time to come.
Obama got us out of Iraq , a war that bush stupidly got us into. 
And, yes, "anticipatory" is a word, which again suggests "anonymous" dropped out of school in the eighth grade. Which is fine.

June 7, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
Love your blog but as a pediatrician I am surprised to see your negativity about Michelle Obama's work to reduce childhood obesity- 
I suppose.

June 3, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
The depth and breadth of your stupidity is jaw droping. 

May 22, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
I dont see any AP spin on the bls weekly report . I see mdw spinning the same utter nonsense week after week like a broken record. If there is a problem with the bls reports and/or reporting thereof then please tell us what the problem is. And if you have some positive way ahead then post your solution. Your negative rants about this are tedious and way beyond repetitive. Everybody gets that you think "Obama " is responsible for everything bad and you and the tp have all the answers. Well, let's hear some of them. Pleas to put up or shut
up. You are embarrassing your grandaughters on this on a daily basis.
May 17, 2014, in reply to this post, wrote:
I'll cut you some slack on the science, but not on the facts. Fact is, if you paid attention to any media other that right-wing media, you would know that Obamacare is not the 800-pound gorilla in the (American corporate board)room; it's not even a chimpanzee. There are a lot of us out here who appreciate your aggregation of Bakken-related information, but not your knee-jerk hatred of all things Obama. Have an open-minded look, why don't you, at the people Mr. Obama has appointed to head up the Departments of the Interior and Energy during his tenure: to a person, supporters of the fracking revolution. Fact is, the oil and gas business has thrived under Obama. And though it may be an inconvenient truth for Obama haters in the oil and gas business, fact is, if you look back at the last three presidents who crashed the price of oil, they are all Republicans: Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. And that's no coincidence. Romney/Ryan's austerity budget would have crashed the price of oil all over again, had Romney and Ryan been elected. If you're willing to open your eyes a little, and your mind, you might just find things are not as, well, black and white as you seem to think they are.
Glad to hear someone is willing to cut me some slack.

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