Tuesday, July 9, 2024

BR With Two New Permits -- July 9, 2024

Locator: 48089B.

Streaming: YouTube.com (not YouTube+) is quickly becoming my "go-to" network for news. For example right now, of one so chooses (I don't), one can watch live the daily White House press briefing on YouTube.com.

Me? I'll be watching a movie or listening to music once CNBC's "Half-Time Report" ends.

Market: looks like the market liked JPow's testimony before the US Senate today. Later: that didn't last long: Dow goes red in the afternoon. Looks like both Nasdaq and S&P 500 will close at new highs. 

Apple iPhone: remember -- for those watching the new iPhone launch -- these are the major suppliers for the iPhone -- at this post.

Back to the Bakken


Active rigs: 37.

Three new permits, #40909 - #40911:

  • Operators: BR (2); Rockport Energy Solutions
  • Fields: Westberg (McKenzie); Ranch Creek (McKenzie)
  • Comments:
    • BR has permits for two wells, a Devils Backbone well and a Watchman Peak well, NWNE 14-152-97; 
      • to be sited 661 FNL and 1750 FEL; and, 651 FNL and 1719 FEL; 
      • spacing unit sections 2 / 11 / 14 / 23-152-97; and sections 2 / 11 / 14 / 23-152-97;
    • Rockport Energy has a permit for a Merritt well, NENE 18-146-98,
      • to be sited 365 FNL and 1229 FEL; 
        • spacing unit, section 18 / 19 /. 30-146-98;

Based on name changes, it appears Hess has canceled two BW-Wilson permits, #30015 and #30016.

Four permits canceled:

  • Grayson Mill: two Martin permits, Williams County; and, two Alfred North permits, McKenzie County;

Four permits renewed:

  • Enerplus: four Olson permits, Little Knife, Dunn County;

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