Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Around The Net -- July 9, 2024

Locator: 48086B.

Leonard Peltier: denied parole. Again. Link here.

US air travel. Wow. Link here.

Vanishing islands not vanishing. Old, old story, but NYT finally getting around to reporting it. Geico Rock Award nominations for this story: NYT, Raymond Zhong.  The Maldives, the poster child for global warming and rising seas:

And indeed, when the world began paying attention to global warming decades ago, these islands, which form atop coral reefs in clusters called atolls, were quickly identified as some of the first places climate change might ravage in their entirety. As the ice caps melted and the seas crept higher, these accidents of geologic history were bound to be corrected and the tiny islands returned to watery oblivion, probably in this century.

Then, not very long ago, researchers began sifting through aerial images and found something startling. They looked at a couple dozen islands first, then several hundred, and by now close to 1,000. They found that over the past few decades, the islands’ edges had wobbled this way and that, eroding here, building there. By and large, though, their area hadn’t shrunk. In some cases, it was the opposite: They grew. The seas rose, and the islands expanded with them.

Great Barrier Reef: never better! Link here.

Rock and Brews: front men, KISS -- opens huge new establishment in Grapevine -- appears to be opening in destination locations ... 

Carry that weight: even The Verge commented on this. EVs can't corner. They weigh too much. Link here. They might do well competing in "Funny Car" races.

My wife laughed. She doesn't get it! Link here.

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