Saturday, March 16, 2024

Success Begets Success -- This Is Huge -- March 16, 2024

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Remember my blog of just a few days ago when I wrote "... it seems "everything everywhere is happening all at once."

It continues. 

Tell me this isn't a huge story. [That's rhetorical; please don't send comments.]

This probably made a bigger impression on me than it otherwise might have because I'm in the middle of reading Max Boot's The Road Not Taken which is full of OSS / CIA stuff.

The Book Page

Updating my introduction page on my literature page, I came across this:

Another link.

This is exactly what happened to me, from that link:

Anyway that’s the Linkhorns, po’-white-trash in the 1930s in east Texas, and that’s where Algren left them in A Walk on the Wild Side

So here’s something kind of cool: Hunter S. Thompson picks up the story of the Linkhorns in his book, Hell’s Angels, and although it’s just a vignette he continues their western drift: “Freebooters, armed and drunk – a legion of gamblers, brawlers and whorehoppers. Blowing into town in a junk Model-A with bald tires, no muffler and one headlight…” Of course in HST’s book, Linkhorns wind up as outlaw bikers in Oakland in the 1960s. I read Hell’s Angels first and that’s what turned me on to A Walk on the Wild Side.

I remember vividly when and where I first read Hell's Angels for the very first time (since then, I've read parts of it many times over).  At the time, I was in a very, very bad place emotionally, and somehow, I suppose Hell's Angels helped me get through it.

How in the world did I miss this book. Ordering it tonight. First review over at Amazon:

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