Wednesday, July 21, 2010

136 -- Holy Guacamole!

A new record. This I didn't expect. First, I thought we would max out at 135, and at this "height," I didn't think we would jump up by two (2) in one day. It was 134 for several days (the previous high) and now up to 136 active rigs in North Dakota.

Update, July 21, 2010: in comments below, it has been pointed out that not all "active" rigs are doing exciting things like actually drilling for oil. Some are work-over rigs converting an oil well (or what once was an oil well) to a salt water disposal well).


  1. Bruce at least one of the rigs is a work over rig drilling a salt water disposal well in 157-102


  2. Thanks. I appreciate that. I assume there have been other rigs in the past doing the same thing. Also, there are some rigs in process of being moved, or refurbished, repaired, etc., so I suppose the total number of "potential" active rigs in North Dakota is higher. I see that when some weeks I see CLR has 18 rigs and then the next week 16, I doubt CLR moved two rigs out of state.

    I once tried keeping a data base of rigs, history of wells, success, etc., but it became overwhelming.

    I appreciate your comments.


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