Friday, February 22, 2019

March, 2019, Hearing Dockets Have Been Posted

NDIC posts the hearing dockets here.

Dockets are tracked here

The usual disclaimer applies. As usual this is done very quickly and using shorthand for my benefit. There will be factual and typographical errors on this page. Do not quote me on any of this. It's for my personal use to help me better understand the Bakken. Do not read it. If you do happen to read it, do not make any investment, financial, job, relationship, or travel plans based on anything you read here or think you may have read here. If this stuff is important to you, and I doubt that it is, but if it is, go to the source.

For now, these are the cases that caught my attention. I will come back to this page to complete it later. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 -- eight pages (on the low side)

27360, NDIC, MRO, Reunion Bay-Bakken; appropriate spacing for a 2560-acre unit; McKenzie, Mountrail
27361, Hess, Tioga-Bakken, establish four stand-up 1280-acre units (5/8; 6/7; 17/20; and 18/19-158-94); 12 wells in each; 48 wells total; Mountrail
27362, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken; establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; one well; Williams County
27363, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken; establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; one well; Williams;
27364, Petro Harvester, flaring,
27365, Petro Harvester, flaring,
27366, Petro Harvester, flaring,
27367, Petro Harvester, flaring
27368, Hess, Tioga-Bakken, 12 wells on a 1280-acre unit; 14/23-158-95; Williams
27369, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, 11 wells on a 1280-acre unit, 14/15-156-95; Williams
27370, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken,  7 wells on a 1280-acre unit, 12/13-155-96, Williams
27371, Hess, Capa-Bakken, 10 wells on a 1280-acre unit, 24/25-155-95; Williams
27372, Hess, Alkali Creek-Bakken, 11 wells on an overlapping 2560-acre unit, 5/6/7/8-154-94; Mountrail
27373, Hess, Alkali Creek-Bakken, 6 wells on a 1280-acre unit, 5/8-154-94, Mountrail
27374, Hess, Alkali Creek-Bakken, 6 wells on a 1280-acre unit, 6/7-154-94; Mountrail
27375, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, pooling,
27376, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, pooling,
27377, Hess, commingling,
27377, Hess, commingling,
27378, Hess, commingling,
27379, Hess, commingling,
27380, Hess, commingling,
27381, Hess, commingling,
27382, Hess, commingling,
27383, Hess, commingling,
27384, Hess, commingling,
27385, Hess, commingling,
27386, Hess, commingling,
27387, Hess, commingling,
27388, Hess, commingling,
27389, Hess, commingling,
27390, Hess, commingling,
27391, Bruin E&P, pooling,
27392, Hydra Services, SWD
27393, Whiting, Sanish-Bakken, 11 wells on a 1280-acre unit, 2/3-152-93, Mountrail
27394, Whiting, commingling,
27395, Whiting, commingling,
27396, Whiting, commingling,
27397, Oasis, SWD,

Thursday, March 21, 2019 -- 12 pages (about average)

27398, NDIC, consider termination of the Tracy Mountain-Tyler unit, Billings County, operated by Southwestern Production Corp, Billings County;
27399, Denbury Onshore, temporary spacing for and oil and/or gas pool discovered by Denbury straddling the ND-Montana state line in the southwest corner of North Dakota; Bowman County, ND; Fallon County, MT
27400, Iron Oil Operating, Boxcar Butte-Bakken; establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit ; 21/22-148-102; multiple wells; establish an overlapping 1920-acre unit, 3/10/15-148-102, multiople wells; establish another 1920-acre unit, 4/9/16-148-102; McKenzie County
27401, Iron Oil Operating, South Boxcar-Bakken, extend field boundaries; establish a 1280-acre unit; multiple wells on 28/33-148-102; McKenzie
27402, Iron Oil Operating, Little Tank-Bakken, establish a 1280-acre unit; multiple wells on 23/24-148-102; establish two overlapping 1920-acre units; multiple wells on 1/12/13-148-102; and, 2/11/14-148-102; McKenzie
27403, RimRock Oil & Gas, Moccasin Creek-Bakken, Dunn County:
i) establish an overlapping 640-acre spacing unit, section 34-148-93, one well on/near the center line of section 34, between the two existing 320-acre standup spacing units of the proposed overlapping 640-acre unit;
ii) establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit, sections 33/34-148-93, or in the alternative, establish an overlapping 640-acre unit, E/2 of section 33 and W/2 of section 34-148-93, one well
iii)  establish an overlapping 1920-acre unit, 35-149-93; 2/11-147-93, six horizontal wells;
iv) establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, 35/36-148-93, W/2 of 1/12, and E/2 of 2/11-147-93, two horizontal wells, or alternative to this is also presented (see source)
27404, RimRock Oil & Gas, Heart Butte-Bakken, Dunn County:
i) establish an overlapping 1280-acre spacing unit comprised of 13-149-93; and 18-149-92, one well;
ii) establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit, 21/22-149-92, two wells; alternative presented, see source
iii) establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit, 27/28-149-92, two wells;
27405, RimROck Oil &Gas; Twin Buttes-Bakken; establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit, 14/23-147-92; one well; Dunn County
27406, Lincoln Energy Partners, Murphy Creek-Bakken, establish two 2560-acre units; 12 wells on each in 13/14/23/24-144-94; and, 3/4/9/10-143-94, Dunn County
27407, Lincoln Energy Partners, Saxon-Bakken, establish a 2560-acre unit, 12 wells on 25/26/35/36-145-93; Dunn County
27408, Equinor, Stony Creek-Bakken, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; 35/36-155-100, and 1/2-154-100, one well; Williams County
27409, SHD Oil & Gas, Deep Water Creek Bay-Bakken, establish i) two overlapping 960-acre units, N/2 of sections 22/23/24 and the S/2 of sections 22/23/24-150-92, five wells; ii) one well on a existing 1920-acre unit, 22/23/24-150-91; and, iii) an overlapping 2560-acre unit, 15/16/17/18-150-91, seven wells, McLean and Cunn counties
27410, SHD Oil & Gas, Van Hook-Bakken, i) establish an overlapping 640-acre unit, S/2 of sections 19/20-150-91, three wells; ii) establish an overlapping 960-acre unit, N/2 of sections 19/20/21-150-91, three wells; iii) establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit, 19/20-150-91, one well; iv) establish an overlapping 1920-acre unit, S/2 of sections 16/17/18 and N/2 of secton 19/20/21-150-91, one well; and, v) termination of a 3520-acre unit in Van Hook-Bakken; McLean, Dunn Conties
27411, CLR, Last Chance-Bakken, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit, 27/28/33/34-154-100 and establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, 4/5/6/7/8/9-153-100, two wells; Williams, McKenzie County
27412, CLR, Catwalk-Bakken, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit, 28/29/32/33-154-100; two wells; Williams
27413, NDIC, suspend/revoke several permits issued to PetroShale, Dunn County
27414, RimRock, pooling, Mandaree-Bakken,
27415, RimRock, pooling, Mandaree-Bakken,
27416, RimRock, pooling, Mandaree-Bakken,
27417, Crescent Point Energy, pooling, Lone Tree Lake-Bakken,
27418, Crescent Point Energy, pooling, Lone Tree Lake-Bakken,
27419, Crescent Point Energy, pooling, Lone Tree Lake-Bakken,
27420, Crescent Point Energy, pooling, Lone Tree Lake-Bakken,
27421, WPX, pooling, Antelope-Sanish,
27422, WPX, pooling, Spotted Horn-Bakken,
27423, WPX, pooling, Mandaree-Bakken,
27424, CLR, pooling, Last Chance-Bakken,
27425, CLR, pooling, Catwalk and/or Last Chance-Bakken
27426, CLR, pooling, Last Chance-Bakken,
27427, CLR, pooling, Oakdale-Bakken,
27428, Nine Point Energy, pooling, Squires-Bakken,
27429, Nine Point Energy, pooling, Squires-Bakken,
27430, Iron Oil Operating, North Branch-Bakken, multiple wells on each of two existing 1280-acre units, 25/36-148-102; and 26/35-148-102; McKenzie County
27431, Iron Oil Operating, South Boxcar-Bakken, multiple wells on an existing 1280-acre unit, 27/34-148-102; McKenzie County
27432, Newfield, Siverston-Bakken, 14 wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; 6/7-150-98; two wells on existing overlapping 2560-acre unit, 17/18/19/20-150-98; McKenzie
27433, Slawson, Big Bend, four wells on an existing 640-acre unit, 36-152-93; Mountrail
27434, SWD,
27435, SWD,
27436, SWD,
27437, SWD,
27438, SWD,

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