Monday, June 6, 2011

Several Wells Have Come Off the Confidential List Over the Weekend -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

I generally post results every day of wells that come off the confidential list.

Click here for those results.

Some quick observations: all of a sudden, BR has reported a couple of great wells. Based on the IP (which is only one data point), folks won't be impressed with EOG's well that just came off the confidential list. Several CLR wells came off the confidential list over the weekend; based on IPs, they are mediocre wells. Dakota-3 (WMB company) reported a great well.

NOG also reported two nice Slawson wells, both in Big Bend: Alamo #2-19-18H and Hunter #1-8-17H. (And there are still a few Slawson wells on DRL status.)


  1. The Eog well only had a IP of 191 bbls a day but has produced 31091 bbls in 98 days.

  2. Thank you. I appreciate that. I haven't had a chance to look at the production numbers of all these wells.

    I try hard to remind folks that the IP is only one data point.

  3. Seems several EOG well's produce well under average.Could it be their process being used,or location,location,location? Anybody see this,or is it just me?


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