Friday, June 10, 2011

Significantly Fewer Posts Over The Next 72 Hours

I will be posting much less frequently over the next 72 hours.

Good luck to all.

OXY USA reported a couple nice wells today:


  1. Looks like the Saudis are trying to move the price of crude down a notch.
    Oh wait, I forgot Saudis have no excess capacity. How do I know this? Bruce Oksol said so :). We will see.

  2. This is one of my favorite commentaries (be sure to read the linked articles):

    iPad won't allow pasting in comment posting, so I hope I typed out the correct URL. If not, I will correct it later.

    On the road tonight. Wow, what a beautiful sunset in North Dakota. Flares everywhere.

  3. Well a bluff is a fine strategy and sometimes it works.
    The downside of using a bluff as a strategy is that it looks extraordinarily stupid if someone calls the bluff. I doubt that the Saudis would risk world class humiliation on this issue but I could be wrong.
