Monday, August 9, 2021

And This Is How You Lose Your Credibility -- August 9, 2021


August 14, 2021: Maureen Dowd. Link pending.

August 14, 2021: a bit of trivia that is now just being released. The CDC clearly stated that there was not "outbreak" of Covid-19 in Sturgis or South Dakota prior to the rally. It was widely reported there was a huge Covid-19 outbreak just up the coast from Martha's Vineyard prior to the birthday bash. What was not said, but is now being reported ,there was a huge Covid-19 outbreak raging on Martha's Vineyard prior to the birthday bash, and "everyone" knew it.

August 14, 2021: PowerLine, "This Week in Pictures." 

Original Post

This is not pro-Fauci, anti-Fauci. This is not political, it's not a statement about my thoughts about Covid, it's simply an observation. 

It was sent to me by a reader. 

We're all thinking it.

If the media ignores this story, it simply speaks volumes about the media.

In New York City, over 2 million people ride the subway every day and 1 million people ride a bus.  Every day.

And Fauci is concerned about a motorcycle rally?  

He's not concerned about illegal aliens streaming across our southern border.  He doesn't mention Chicago's huge crowd at a concert.  He sure doesn't mention Obama's birthday party.

And, main-stream media never mentions his obvious bias.


  1. Here's another peak oiler dumbass anti-Bakken post:

    I eviscerate it in comments below the SA article. See in particular, #1, detailing previous peak oiler fails. (Out of order because moderator approved out of order.)

    1. Thank you, much appreciated. Yes, anyone who doesn't understand the reason(s) for the decline in production between 2018 and 2021 doesn't understand the Bakken. Or perhaps they don't understand unconventional oil at all. And, at the end of the day, it's not now how much oil you pump, it's how much money you make. Chuckle.


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