Saturday, August 27, 2022

My Favorite Chart -- August 27, 2022

Link here. My favorite chart.


  1. Curious as to your reason for interest in this chart? Disclosure at the link provided states the chart is not “intended for investment or financial advice”.
    Brokerages typically use money market accounts to “park” funds in between movement in and out of being invested usually automatically. Every brokerage account has some “usually small” balance in a money market fund. So I don’t get it.

    1. See notations on the same chart at this post:

      It is the trend I find fascinating.

  2. Total market cap of all PUBLICALLY traded companies is 93 trillion. Add in private companies and you get a much larger number that dwarfs the 5 trillion in money market funds floating around. Not sure the trend means much.

    1. Sorry for the delay -- I was at the gym and then out and about. Too much to say; it's no long something that can be handled in the comment section. I might come back to it. "Not sure the trend means much." Reminds me of Clifford Stoll's 1989 book "The Cuckoo's Egg." A small data point did mean much to his superiors either.
