Wednesday, July 20, 2022

To The NDIC Folks: A Huge Thank You! July 20, 2022

For all the grief I've given the NDIC folks over the past year or so regarding the switchover to the new system, I apologize. 

I am so thrilled the GIS map server is back up. I've seen this format before. This application is so much better -- it's like going from the 20th century to the 21st century. Because it is so much more powerful it will require a bit more time to learn and to work through all its capabilities. 

For readers, the map seems to load a bit more slowly but Apple's brand new M2 MacBook Air should have no problem with it.

My hunch: the NDIC waited to launch the new GIS map server until Apple released the M2 MacBook Air which was released less than four business days ago. 

I am absolutely thrilled. 

I just knew there would be a reason to convince my wife why I need a new computer. LOL.

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