Monday, November 22, 2021

US SPR At 18-Year Low; XOM Still WIthdrawing Oil From The SPR In Wake Of Hurricane -- November 22, 2021

I have made major, major changes to the way I manage the blog. It will be transparent (or "unnoticed") by readers.

I am absolutely thrilled. 

It has re-invigorated my interest in the blog. 

I had three goals:

  • get back to more updates on wells and pads; something I had been neglecting due to the IT issues at the NDIC;
  • de-clutter the blog; fewer posts on non-Bakken news, especially, posts which could be construed as "political";
  • lengthier "background" posts which can be linked in shorter "twitter-like" links and thus de-clutter the blog.

Meanwhile, while I'm off line, spend some time on "Focus on Fracking."

One data point needs to be added to most recent "edition" of "Focus on Fracking":

SPR at an 18 1/2 year low 

recent weeks we've been pulling oil out of the SPR & building up commercial storage....the only reason i've seen is that it's "apparently still part of an emergency loan of oil to Exxon in the wake of hurricane Ida…"

Exxon is out of oil?  come on...
One happy club: politicians in Washington and Big Oil.
If XOM is "out of oil," they are simply managing their assets. LOL.

If the US SPR is an 18-year low, that's very similar to the Japanese SPR, reported earlier today.

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