Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 -- Part V -- Who Do You Support?

It's well known that President Obama has no "Syria strategy." He himself has said as much.

It is also well known that President Obama called ISIS a "junior varsity" team (he did not use the other "T" word). He tried to walk back that "JV" comment but it's become another Obama meme (of which he has more than most politicians).

It was entertaining, to say the least, listening to NPR, this morning, describe the current situation in Syria. I believe this is what I heard:
  • Russia is bombing anti-Syrian rebel forces backed by (and sort of trained by) the US
  • the US is dropping ammunition to anti-Syrian rebel forces and targeting ISIS
  • Russia has a strategy: take out anti-Syrian forces; shore up Bassar al-Assad, an ophthalmologist by training, and then offer to discuss with the US -- who do you support: the ophthalmologist or the beheader?
  • the US has no strategy
  • President Obama, however, does have a strategy: run out the clock; he has said as much -- saying he will leave this quagmire to the next president
That's pretty much what I heard. I could be wrong. This is not a military site. Don't make any military plans based on this. If this stuff is important to you -- apparently it is not important to some -- go to the source. NPR.

By the way, just for clarification: NPR - national public radio. CBR - crude by rail.

By the way, the new word for 2015: deconflict. The NPR piece this morning suggested that the analyst enjoyed hearing that word. Deconflict. Sounds so peaceful.

Peaceful like the Garden of Eden.

To enjoy this, you really have to play it very, very loudly: 

In a Gadda Da Vida, Iron Butterfly

By the way, speaking of all the fun in Syria: Russia and the US -- two nuclear super-powers --  pounding the heck out of a country with not a whole lot going for it, can only bring me to this: napalm.

Ride of the Valkyries, Apocalypse Now

It was my understanding that the ammunition President Obama was dropping to the anti-Syria rebels was/were bullets. Simply bullets. Perhaps this explains why the administration was buying all that ammunition across the US these past few years.

There is some irony that the president wants the US to be one huge "gun-free zone" but Syria is now "anything but." Maybe the president's inner self was simply born to be wild.

Born To Be Wild, Steppenwolf

And yes, I do have the perfect video to accompany the news report that Iran has test-fired a new intra-regional ballistic missile but that will have to wait.

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