Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dressler 13-1H

Somewhere on this site (I can't locate it now) I reported that the Dressler 13-1H was dry; someone called me on that suggesting I was mistaken. I linked a site that suggested the well was dry, but now, there is new data to suggest I am wrong.

On the NDIC hearing docket for June 24, Tracker is requesting "temporary spacing to develop an oil and/or gas pool discovered by #13-1H Dressler, NENW 13-142-92, Dunn County." Case No. 10792 (cont'd).

I have to agree; it would be unlikely to request such spacing and state oil/gas discovered if the well was dry. Hmmm. My apologies if I reported wrong.

Perhaps more to follow.


  1. whats up with this well ,, this is like the 4th time they extended for temp. spacing

  2. I'm as confused as you are on this one. Hopefully someday this will all be sorted out.


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