Friday, June 17, 2022

I'm Gonna Call It A Day -- Some Fantastic Postings -- Lots For Readers To Digest -- June 17, 2022

Holy mackerel! Rory just lost the tournament after leading the first day. How fast things can change. Self-inflicted error.

ISO-NY: $203 / MWh. Link here. Chart suggests demand almost exceeded supply earlier this morning. Okay now; just expensive.

Inflation watch, favorite IPA, 6-pack, bottles:

  • at Target: price has not increased for at least two years —
    • regular price: $9.99
    • on sale, this week: $8.99
  • Big Box store, regional: regular price: $7.99
Amazon: ordered an Apple computer accessory at 1448 hours moments ago. Will be delivered today for $2.99 delivery charge or no delivery charge for delivery tomorrow. I still find this amazing. AMZN ticker up nicely today.


  1. Lagunitas IPA. Mmmmmm. Perfect for father's day.

    1. My favorite for the longest time; my current go-to IPA is New Belgium Voodoo Ranger. I will buy either depending on the price. Right now, the latter is available for $7.99 / 6-pack bottles.

  2. Man, that is cheap. God bless Texas. A bit more expensive in ND.

    1. The competition down her for beer is incredible. I can only find that price at one location and it comes if one buys two 6-packs at a time. I posted other prices here:

      At the local regional grocery store, these IPAs run about one to two dollars more expensive per 6-pack and probably similar to that seen in North Dakota.

  3. Yes. $10.99/6 pack in Bismarck at Crooked Jacks. But still cheap in the grand scheme of things.

    1. Agree completely; cheap in the grand scheme of things. By the way, $10.99 is about the price -- along with $11.99 -- that I see most commonly at our regional grocery store.
