Saturday, February 9, 2019

Presidential Tweets -- An Anecdote -- Nothing About The Bakken -- February 9, 2019

When I see tweets like these, and note that someone "complains" about the president's tweets, it tells me that that "someone" does not follow the president's tweets but simply parrots what mainstream media is reporting.

Regardless of North Korea's Kim Moon's policies, Trump is dealing with the hand he was dealt, something many journalists do not understand.

Whether he succeeds or not, time will tell, but at least he's trying something different than has been tried since 1945. But it's better than talking about war on the peninsula. Something the mainstream media no longer talks about.

By the way, some say the US has spent upwards of $7 trillion dollars fighting wars in the Mideast. I wonder how many trillions have been spent by the US along the Korean DMZ in the last 45 years?

Here are the two tweets:

Also, for those complaining about the president's schedule or his "executive time," I've posted the time of the tweet.

By the way, the timing of the president's tweets -- not the day, or the month, but the "hour" of the tweet may shed a bit of light on how this president works.

By the way, as long as I'm rambling, it is clear to me that Trump was given really, really bad advice on his first round of selections for his cabinet. The current "crop" look superb and seem to be doing a superb job. I particularly think Pompeo, SecState, is doing a bang-up job, particularly compared to two or three previous secretaries of state I could name. 

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