Saturday, October 6, 2018

Reader Updates The Brooklyn Oil Field -- October 6, 2018

There are so many story lines here. I hope to come back to this to make comments -- so much to say. But I wanted to post it even though I don't have time to comment because I know a lot of mineral owners will enjoy the update. [For the reader who sent the note below: if your note looks very slightly different, I removed about six words to maintain anonymity.]

From a reader:
There have been status changes on some of the wells on LOC status in Brooklyn Township so I cut short a vacation to make the drive out to ND to see what is going on.  
My interest was in the 4 Rolf wells but 5 Springfield and 1 Helena well also had changed to drilling status.  The Springfield and Helena wells are now SI.  A fracking rig is on that pad and a drilling rig is on the adjacent Rolf pad. So it looks like they are going straight from drilling to fracking.

The initial Rolf well is not pumping at this time and it’s pump has been partially dismantled.  It is two miles south of the new pad.  All the wells in the area are flaring because (I was told) of a partial shut down of the Tioga Gas plant.  This enormous Bunsen burner is from the Charleston and Olympia 4 and 5 wells.  It’s roaring. 

Just for the record I have a daughter who is a firstie at USAFA and I love to bike.  Next time you’re in [our area], if you’d like a local bike guide or even just info I’d be happy to assist.
The reader sent three photographs:

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