Friday, July 1, 2016

Germany's "Cap And Trade" Program; Huge Stimulus For The Economy -- WSJ -- July 1, 2016

Germany estimates the cost for their "cap and trade" program at $86 billion over the next four years, as reported in The Wall Street Journal.

Germany will cap the birth rates of northern Europeans in their country prior to 2014 and will trade those births for those of the non-northern Europeans streaming into the country.  The northern European birth rate cap is entirely voluntary. But whether mandatory or voluntary, it is capped. In fact, I believe the birth rate for Germany was "negative" a few years ago.

Under "cap and trade" here in the US, wealthy investors in the oil and gas industry see their wealth being transferred to wealthy investors in the unreliable energy sector. The US cap and trade program does very little for economic stimulus, except for a few crony capitalists.

But, transferring $84 billion from all current Germans to the non-northern European immigrants streaming into Germany is a huge stimulus. Most of that money will go right back into the economy for food, rent, and mosques.

This isn't rocket science.

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