Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Saudi Arabia: In A Fight For Its Very Survival -- March 18, 2020

We all have our worldviews (myths). This writer articulates much better than I ever could my worldview on this subject: Saudi Arabia: a fight for survival, contributor over at oilprice, March 15, 2020.

Iraq in a panic.

Saudi Aramco CEO: comfortable with $30-oil (previously posted). I wonder if he is comfortable with $20-oil?

I don't know if folks remember Enron -- "precursor" to EOG, as it were.

Meanwhile, even as I'm updating this, President Trump invokes the Defense Production Act, declares himself a "wartime president," and the media says there are 114 deaths in the US due to coronavirus. 

What will change this immediately? When the CDC says "we" now have a toolkit of pharmaceuticals that can be successfully treat this illness. That will be the bridge giving researchers time to release a vaccine.


  1. Oddly, the podcost you posted recently briefly mentioned $20 and #12 dollar oil, This has to be on almost nobodies plans last quarter. This if it hold may create multiple announcements before quarterly meetings. This could create an eventual spike in the other direction at some point.

    1. That is correct. Many companies could hunker down significantly and even go private. CLR/Harold Hamm has been asked in the past why he simply did not go private.

  2. Military President, maybe the Q folks are right?

    1. I was just getting ready to post this. Thank you. Stay tuned.


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