Saturday, August 31, 2024

Beth Kindig Notes -- Tech -- August 31, 2024

Locator: 48511BETH.

Link here. Again, if you go to the link, be sure to read the comments.

Link here.

Link here.

To put that energy consumption in perspective, note the following:

Number of racks in a large data center:

The electrical output by MDU plants, link here.

This Went Unnoticed By Most Folks -- August 31, 2024

Locator: 48510BRK.

Link here.

That's really quite amazing when you think about that.

He had a very, very interesting "business" model. I'm not sure it -- the business model -- was duplicated by any other American investor.

Oklahoma Standup Paddleboard Race -- August 31, 2024

Locator: 48509SUPB.

Link here.

Results Photos

In standup paddleboarding, Kiri came in fourth, behind the fastest woman in Texas.


The Last Trading Day Of August, 2024 -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48508PERSINV.

A reminder: historically, the months of August and September are the worst months of the year for investors who hope to pay more for shares. 

The chartist: a wild day on Wall Street yesterday --  not the least of which, Warren Buffett runs a trillion-dollar mutual fund!

The close: not too bad considering many folks feel the US is headed for a recession --

Switching horses mid-stream: reviewing the two screen shots above and then the screenshot below, I'm trying to figure out, as an investor, why I would want to switch horses in mid-stream? Link here:

Choose your fighter, link here: 

QQQ, the top ten, it's amazing, some folks on social media still don't get it, read the comments at the link:

Apple, Steve Jobs: I'll be posting this link as a stand-alone later. If you go to the link, spend some time on the replies. Enlightening. Wow, I loved his self-confidence -- shall we say, "ego"? Best quote here:
When you're already the best, growth comes from sales, not innovation.
Put that on a tombstone. RIP.

Steve would likely be happy that Tim Cook has told his suppliers to increase iPhone deliveries by 10% -- and that would be over what was already going to be a record delivery.

For Tim Cook to anticipate that many iPhones to be sold, there are two things going on. See if you can think of those two things. 

Briefly Reminder 

  • I am inappropriately exuberant about the US economy and the US market.
  • I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Apple. 
  • See disclaimer. This is not an investment site. 
  • Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them. 
  • Reminder: I am inappropriately exuberant about the US economy and the US market.
  • I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Apple. 
  • And now, Nvidia, also. I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Nvidia.  

Personal Investing
For The Archives

I first started buying NVDA a couple of years ago, and then quit adding to my position shortly after starting it. The run-up was becoming excessive. 

Cramer might have suggested at some point to take half of my NVDA profits "off the table" and play with the "house's money."

I didn't sell, but on August 5th or whenever it was, with the huge reset, I bought more. Then ignored the market for about two weeks.

Immediately after NVDA reported earnings (actually the next morning because I don't trade after-hours), I took all the free cash I could find and bought more NVDA head-over-heels, as they say. 

Actually, it was Sophia that was guiding me. She's responsible for all the investing now.

Oh, by the way, that reminds me. For the first time in my life, listening to Sophia, I am taking my "tax-loss harvesting" to a new level.

And then this article

From the article: 

It might surprise you that index funds such as the $562 billion SPDR S&P 500 Index EFT Trust (the first exchange-traded fund to track the US large-cap benchmark index) or the $248 billion Vanguard S&P 500 ETF have portfolios that are concentrated almost 20% to three companies: MSFT, AAPL, and NVDA.

I have never understood bonds. Maybe Sophia will figure it out.

I've never subscribed to the 60/40 portfolio -- again, because:

  • I don't understand bonds; and,
  • I've never understood the rationale for a life-cycle investment strategy.

I have a rolling 30-year investment horizon. 

I've also never understood the rationale for a traditional IRA over that of a Roth IRA, but that's a "story" for another day, though I have talked about it more than once on the blog. 

I digress. Back to that 60/40 stuff. If one likes 60 (equity) / 40 (bonds), why not consider 60 (growth stocks) / 40 (value stocks with dividends). 

Some energy stocks have paid over 6% year-over-year for decades. And reinvesting those dividends in those same companies have resulted in some huge positions. I'm not convinced those have been particularly great investments but the investments have never affected my quality of life, and have never caused me to lose any sleep. And now, Sophia has a pretty big position in energy companies that are paying 6% today and way, way, way more than that based on the original price paid 30 years ago. 

As mentioned not too many days ago, I was negatively impressed with the select group of high-rollers at the most recent quarterly Schwab quarterly chartbook briefing -- and they spent valuable time quibbling over 4.3% vs 4.2% returns on bonds. It seems no one was paying attention to the elephant in the room, QQQ. 

This is the type of question I would have enjoyed: does Schwab have an ETF like the QQQ? Link here.

The first question I would have asked: how can two "ETFs" with 94% correlation have such amazing different results? Assuming I'm interpreting that correctly. Are the results the same if "adjusted" for fees?

I don't know but ...

Labor Day Weekend -- August 31, 2024

Locator: 48507ARCHIVES.

Time to clean up the office, fortunately I have the Bat Cave:

Prepare to prepare dinner, roast beef, to slow cook over 8 - 10 hours:

Reminder: salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, liquid smoke, Worcestershire sauce.

Painted rock garden: see this post for background. Now, another such mini-painted-rock garden has popped up. At the corner of Parr Park Road and Barberry Road, Grapevine, TX, just down the hill from Bryson Dechambeau's new house.

Bryson's house, maybe a year ago under construction; still not finished:

If You Have Time To Read Only One Article Today -- Here It Is -- Silicon Valley, Israeli Army Unit, Pipeline For Talent -- August 31, 2024

Locator: 48506ISRAEL.

I believe this is the second article I've posted with regard to Silicon Valley and "the military."

Must read.

Link here.

From the linked article:

Where you come from matters in the quest for Silicon Valley investment money, be it the sandstone arcades of the Stanford University campus or the graffitied offices of early Facebook. Venture capitalists are now coveting a new class of founders—those who served in a specialized unit of the Israeli army.

Members of Unit 8200, known for its advanced cybersecurity and cyberwarfare capabilities, have founded dozens of cybersecurity companies. Others have become influential venture capitalists in their own rights and are mentors to entrepreneurial graduates. 

There are at least five tech companies started by Unit 8200 alumni publicly traded in the U.S., together worth around $160 billion. Private companies started by ex-8200 soldiers are worth billions more.

The largest, cloud-security company Wiz, in July came close to signing a $23 billion deal to be bought by Google. It would have been Google’s biggest acquisition ever. After the talks fell apart, Wiz Chief Executive and 8200 veteran Assaf Rappaport told employees he wants to hit $1 billion in revenue before planning a public-market listing. 

Wiz and the 8200 alumni are targeting a massive business problem—how to keep big companies secure—with skills and an intensity they learned from their time in the military. They and the companies they’ve built have become hot commodities as more industries move huge amounts of business documents to the cloud—which is constantly under attack from opportunistic hackers. While Unit 8200 alumni once talked about their service in hushed tones, they now tout it in press releases to attract clients and investment money for their startups.

Palo Alto Networks, the biggest publicly traded cybersecurity company, and itself a product of the 8200 pipeline, has purchased several companies led by alumni of the unit in recent years. Greylock Partners and Sequoia Capital, two of Silicon Valley’s most storied venture-capital firms, have recently hired Israel-based partners.

And so much more at the link.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Best Mash-Up Ever? August 30, 2024

Locator: 48505MUSIC.

Link here.

At one time I had the CD, but that CD, like all the rest, has been gone for decades.

What An Amazing Life -- Much Could Be Said -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48504BUFFETT.

Link here. Warren Buffett is tracked here.

No Comment -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48503USENERGY.

Link here. Same link?

Without Comment -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48502NDSU.


Week 35: August 26, 2024 -- September 1, 2024

Locator: 48439TOPSTORIES.

Top story

  • Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway joins the $1-trillion club!
  • Another incredible week in US equity markets

Top international non-energy story:

  • Ukraine holds Russian territory; one of its six F-16's crashes;
  • Gaza: Israel not backing down

Top international energy story:

Top national non-energy story:

  • Nvidia -- some say it stumbled -- LOL.
  • Waiting for the Fed to cut rates -- September meeting
    • back to a 25-bp cut?
  • Trump / Harris: dead heat
  • Trump now at odds with his VP running mate
    • abortion rights: Trump now wants to extend abortion rights
    • women working outside the home: Vance says "no way"; Trump: liked women as apprentices
  • GM delays EV plans; joins F in delaying EV program
  • US corporations stepping back from DEI
  • colleges starting to see enrollment changes with end of affirmative action programs

Top national energy story:

  • WTI recovers to $74 but still dismal

Focus on fracking: current link here. Generally updated late Sunday night.

Top North Dakota non-energy story:

Top North Dakota energy story:

Geoff Simon's quick connectslink here.

The market in a nutshell: At the close --

Five New Permits; Two Permits Renewed; One DUC Reported As Completed -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48500B.

 WTI: $73.55.

Active rigs: 41.

Five new permits, #41085 -- #41089, inclusive:

  • Operators: Hess (4); Neset Consulting
  • Fields: Blue Buttes (MKenzie); wildcat (McKenzie)
  • Comments:
    • Hess has permits for three BB-Sivertson wells and one BB-Federal well, SENE 20-151-95, 
      • all to be sited 1729 FNL at 416 FEL; 482 FEL; 515 FEL; and, 548 FEL;
    • Neset Consulting has a permit for wildcat well, SENE 1-148-102, McKenzie County;
      • to be sited 1059 FNL and 1220 FEL;

Two permits renewed:

  • 33888, Silver Hill Energy, Blomquist, North Tioga, Burke County;
  • 35407, Formentera Operations, Pacer, Ambrose, Divide County;

One producing well (a DUC) reported as completed:

  • 40488, 2,534, Grayson Mill, Wahus 12-1F XE 1H, McKenzie County;

Apple -- Nvidia -- OpenAI -- ARM -- Microsoft -- Several Billion Dollars -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48499TECH.

There are two thoughts with regard to AI:

  • it's all. hype
  • we're in the middle of the biggest revolution since that "Industrial" one.

I'm in the second camp.

Big story today on CNBC: Apple OpenAI ARM. 

Today: over at The WSJ -- link here.

From the linked article:

Apple AAPL and Nvidia are in talks to invest in OpenAI, a move that would strengthen their ties to a partner integral to their efforts in the artificial-intelligence race.
The investment would be part of a new OpenAI fundraising round that would value the ChatGPT maker above $100 billion.
The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that venture-capital firm Thrive Capital is leading the round, which will total several billion dollars, and Microsoft is also expected to participate. It couldn’t be learned how much Apple, Nvidia or Microsoft will invest into OpenAI this round.
To date, Microsoft has been the primary strategic investor in OpenAI. It owns a 49% share of the AI startup’s profits after investing $13 billion since 2019.
As the dominant global maker of chips that power ChatGPT and other AI models, Nvidia has long worked closely with OpenAI. Apple in June announced OpenAI as the first official partner for Apple Intelligence, its system for infusing AI features throughout its operating system. The new AI will feature an improved Siri voice assistant, text proofreading and creating custom emojis.

And, yes, for Apple, AI is all about creating more emojis. 

Word search on the blog for Apple OpenAI ARM:

 OpenAI: former head of NSA joins board. Who-hoo.

Cramer's First Hour -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48498CRAMER.

Jim Cramer not "here" today. Today: David Faber and the "Brit guy" -- my least favorite, Wilfred Frost.

Wilfred Frost: Frost assumed his current role after stepping back from his anchor duties at CNBC in February 2022. Now, if only Brian Sullivan would "step back." And while they're at it, replace Phil.

Cramer's first hour: a mix of fact, factoids, opinions from various sources -- often not cited -- while listening to Cramer's first hour on CNBC.  

PCE: not only "in-line," but actually better than expected. The Fed: the 25 bp rate cut all but guaranteed. Whether it's 25 bp or 50 bp will be based on the employment numbers. Tea leaves suggest a cut of 25 bp. Begrudgingly by some governors. But they will go along to get along. 

A reminder: historically, the months of August and September are the worst months of the year for investors who hope to pay more for shares. 

Futures one-half hour prior to open:

At the open:

Tech: the CNBC crawler suggests tech will take off today. Intel (INTC) is the one to watch. If it does that I think it's going to do, it will be for the "wrong" reasons, but that doesn't matter for traders.

At the open:
  • INTC: up 5%.
  • NVDA: up 0.8%.
  • AAPL: flat, but showing signs of life.
Dollar General
  • the amount of time the "Brit guy" is spending on Dollar General is insane;
  • Dollar General is great for traders (up 3% since yesterday; absolutely predictable);
  • this would have been a good stock for Warren Buffett to have bought yesterday
  • but:
    • Dollar General: a one-off;
    • doesn't reflect US economy in the least; simply poor execution but CEO will suggest it's the "constrained consumer"
    • the "constrained consumer" is moving to Walmart

GPD, 3Q24: tea leaves suggest an incredibly disappointing 1% for 3Q24, down from 3% in 2Q24. Everything suggests the Fed should move faster and more decisively, but they won't. 

Dead: DEI.

Briefly Reminder 

  • I am inappropriately exuberant about the US economy and the US market.
  • I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Apple. 
  • See disclaimer. This is not an investment site. 
  • Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them. 
  • Reminder: I am inappropriately exuberant about the US economy and the US market.
  • I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Apple. 
  • And now, Nvidia, also. I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Nvidia. 

The Self-Study Page

Years ago I put together a self-study program on the US Civil War based on US Grant's memoirs. Target audience: middle school grandchildren. As far as I know, I never put it on-line; hard-copy / binder only.

Now, I'm ready to put together a similar self-study program on dinosaurs. This page is still in progress but would be the basis for a dinosaur self-study program. By the way, this whole subject will benefit greatly from AI but that's another story for another day.

A third self-study program: Greek dramatists. I have several sites on this subject, one example here.

I also have a "personal finance" page designed for high school students but no link; intended for two grandchildren right now.

Peak Oil? What Peak Oil? Guyana? Gulf Of Mexico? August 30, 2024

Locator: 48497PEAKOIL.

WTI: $75.96.

Sunday, September 1, 2024: 76 for the month; 132 for the quarter, 456 for the year
40477, conf,  CLR, Clover 5-10H,
40460, conf, Slawson, SnakeEyes 6-20-29H,

Saturday, August 31, 2024: 74 for the month; 130 for the quarter, 454 for the year

Friday, August 30, 2024: 74 for the month; 130 for the quarter, 454 for the year

RBN Energy: oil explorers plan for production growth in US Gulf of Mexico.

Crude oil production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is poised for a growth spurt through 2030 even as producers brace for a host of challenges, not least from forecasts that global oil demand will subside in the long term. But while the GOM’s supply accounts for a relatively small portion of total U.S. production, exploration and production companies (E&Ps) haven’t lost interest, in part because the Gulf offers key crude grades in high demand. In today’s RBN blog, we examine what is stoking the renewed interest in developing the GOM.

Nvidia Stumbles; Spotify Surges -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48496INSANITY.

First the Nvidia earnings:

  • 1Q25: look at those incredible margins and other data points, from left to right:
    • largest revenue center, "Data Center": $22.6 billion; grew 23% q/q
    • revenue: $26.08 billion; grew 18% q/q
    • gross profit: $20.4 billion; grew 2pp q/q; 78% margin;
    • operating profit: $16.9 billion; grew 3pp q/q; 65% margin;
    • net profit: $14.9 billion; grew 2pp q/q; 75% margin;


Now, Spotfiy: link here (does not work on Firefox; works on Safari, Chrome). Spotify has never had a profitable year.

But their investors are doing great! 

PCE -- August 30, 2024

Locator: 48495PCE.

up 3-tenths; better than expected (2-tenths)

prices came in as expected; everything with a 2-handle

consumer expenditures: just fine; up 0.4% vs 0.5%

this comes on top of a 3% GDP in 2Q24

market surges 


everything as expected or better than expected

JPow and the Fed has "stuck the soft landing"

confirm that the inflation trend is as expected

"mission accomplished" 

"time to take a victory lap"

"Fed will now focus on the other side of their mandate"

"the concern now: is the Fed acting too slowly to head off the downside risk?"

I'm getting tired of listening to "woe is us" Heritage Foundation.

there's probably a reason Brian Sullivan doesn't have his picture on the CNBC hall of fame

Rick Santelli hasn't changed in all the years I've watched him

CNBC crawler: tech looks "to take off today"

Thursday, August 29, 2024

In The Morning -- PCE -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48494MEMO.

Happy Birthday, Warren Buffett -- turns 94 years old, Friday, August 30, 2024.

Link here.

Intel: Working With Investment Bankers -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48493INTC.

Tag: Intel.

Link here.

As always, the comments are enlightening.

Five New Permits; One DUC Reported As Completed; And, Four Permits Canceled -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48492B.

Weekly EIA petroleum report, link here:

  • in storage: 4% below the five-year average;
  • refiners: 93.3%
  • jet fuel delivered: up 2.6% compared y/y

Gasoline demand, link here:

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $75.75.

Active rigs: 41.

Five new permits, #41080 - #41084, inclusive:

  • Operators: Oasis (4); Zavanna
  • Fields: Arnegard (McKenzie); Brooklyn (Williams)
  • Comments:
    • Oasis has permits for four Sapphire wells, lot 2, section 31-150-100, 
      • to be sited 2414 FNL with one at 455 FWL, 488 FWL, 554 FWL, and 587 FWL
    • Zavanna has a permit for a Midas well, SESE 36-155-99; 
      • to be sited 410 FSL and 915 FEL.

Four permits canceled:

  • XTO: four Kenneth permits, NWNW 17-154-96, Williams County;

One producing well (a DUC) reported as completed:

  • 33903, 195, Slawson, Mole 2-20H, Mountrail County;

The Bigger Story Today -- Revised GDP -- UP! Did JPow And The Fed Just "Stick" The Landing? LOL -- What A Great Country -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48491GDP.

Earlier I said the "big story" today was Apple. That's still true, but the revised GDP for 2Q24 was an even bigger story.

Two screenshots, 2Q24:

But, not looking good, going into 3Q24, but I'm sure the Fed is watching this closely:

This data certainly support a September, 2024, Fed cut, with the only question, 25 basis points or 50 basis points?

The September, 2024, NDIC Hearing Dockets Have Posted -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48490DOCKETS.

September Dockets

Thursday 09/26/24 Supplement
Thursday 09/26/24
Wednesday 09/25/24 Supplement
Wednesday 09/25/24

Link here.

August hearing dockets.  

Link here.

The NDIC hearing dockets are tracked here.

As usual this is done very quickly and using shorthand for my benefit. There will be factual and typographical errors on this page. Do not quote me on any of this. It's for my personal use to help me better understand the Bakken. Do not read it. If you do happen to read it, do not make any investment, financial, job, relationship, or travel plans based on anything you read here or think you may have read here. If this stuff is important to you, and I doubt that it is, but if it is, go to the source. These are cases, not permits.

Thursday, Supplement
Four continued cases


Thursday, September 26, 2024
Six pages

The cases:

  • 31228, Grayson Mill, Buford-Bakken, and/or Briar Creek-Bakken, 5, Williams, McKenzie
  • 31229, EOG, Phaelens Butte-Bakken, 3, McKenzie
  • 31230, Formentera Operations, Blooming Prairie-Bakken, Bluffton-Bakken, and/or Whiteaker-Bakken, create 10 overlapping 1920-acre units, eight wells on each overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit; establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; Divide County
  • 31231, Formentera Operations, Frazier-Bakken, establish three overlapping 1920-acre units; eight wells on each; establish a 1920-acre unit, 8 wells; Divide County;
  • 31232, Formentera Operations, Baukol Noonan-Bakken and/or Noonan-Bakken, establish a 1920-acre unit; 8 wells; establish an overlapping 1920-acre unit, 8 wells; establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; Divide County;
  • 31233, Formentera Operations, Larson-Bakken and/or Black Slough-Bakken, establish three 1920-are units, 8 wells; Burke County;
  • 31234, KODA Resources, amend, Fertile Valley-Bakken, establish five 1920-acre units; 5 wells each, Divide County
  • 31235, KODA Resources, amend, Daneville-Bakken, establish four 1920-acre units, 5 wells each; Divide County;
  • 31236, WPX, Heart Buttte-Bakken, Twin Buttes-Bakken, and/or Wolf Bay-Bakken, establish two 1440-acre units, 8 wells on each; three overlapping 2880-acre unit, one well; Dunn County;
  • 31237, NDIC, to review the pilot injection project for EOR, Liberty Resources, file #35883; Silver Hill Energy Operating; Mountrail County;
  • 31238, Phoenix Operating, Ranch Creek/Charlie Bob-Bakken, establish a 2560-acre unit, 4 wells; McKenzie County
  • 31239, EOG, pooling;
  • 31240, Zavanna, pooling;
  • 31241, Zavanna, pooling;
  • 31242, Grayson Mill, Buford-Bakken, 5 wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; Williams County;
  • 31243, Silver Hill, commingling
  • 31244, Liberty Resources, commingling
  • 31245, Phoenix Operating, commingling

Wednesday, Supplement
Three continued cases


Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Twelve pages

The cases:

  • 31184, Hess, Sorkness-Bakken,establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit, one well; Mountrail County;
  • 31185, Kraken Operating, Burg-Bakken, establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; Williams County;
  • 31186, Kraken Operating, Green Lake-Bakken, establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; Williams County;
  • 31187, Kraken Operating, New Home-Bakken, establish two overlapping 2560-acre unit; one well; Williams County;
  • 31188, Kraken Operating, Rawson and/or Antelope Creek-Bakken, establish two overlapping 3840-acre units; one well on each, McKenzie;
  • 31189, Draken Operating, Little Tank-Bakken, establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit; one well; McKenzie;
  • 31190, Kraken Operating, Little Tank-Bakken, establish two overlapping 3840-acre units, one well on each; McKenzie;
  • 31191, Oasis, Indian Hill-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 3840-acre unit, one well; McKenzie, Williams
  • 31192, Oasis, Trenton, Hardscrablle, and/or Indian Hill-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 3840-acre unit, one well; McKenzie, Williams;
  • 31193, Oasis, Indian Hill and/or Eightmile-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 3840-acre unit; one well, McKenzie, Williams
  • 31194, Oasis, Oasis, Nameless and/or Foreman Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 2240-acre unit; five wells; McKenzie County;
  • 31195, Oasis, Foreman Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 2240-acre unit; five wells; McKenzie County;
  • 3396, Oasis, Namelss and/or Foreman Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 4480-acre unit, five wells; McKenzie County;
  • 31197, Oasis, Nameless, Foreman Butte and/or Glass Bluff-Bakken, laydown 4480-acre unit, five wells, McKenzie;
  • 31198, Oasis, Foreman Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown of 4480-acre unit; five wells; McKenzie County;
  • 31199, Enerplus, Little Knife-Bakken, establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit; six wells; Dunn County;
  • 31200, Enerplus, Little Knife-Bakken, establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit, six wells; Dunn County;
  • 31201, Enerplus, Little Knife-Bakken, establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; Dunn County;
  • 31202, Enerplus, Eagle Nest-Bakken, establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit; five wells; Dunn County;
  • 31203, Grayson Mill, commingling;
  • 31204, Grayson Mill, commingling;
  • 31205, Grayson Mill, commingling;
  • 31206, BR, commingling;
  • 31207, Hess, Oliver-Bakken, five wells on a 1920-acre unit; Williams County;
  • 31208, Hess, Blue Buttes-Bakken, eleven wells on a 1280-acre unit, McKenzie County;
  • 31209: Hess, Blue Buttes-Bakken, fourteen wells on a 1280-acre unit; McKenzie County;
  • 31210, Hess, Ross-Bakken, seven wells on a 1280-acre unit; Mountrail;
  • 31211, Hess, pooling;
  • 31212, Hess, commingling;
  • 31213, Hess, commingling;
  • 31214, Kraken Operating, Ft Buford, Buford, and/or Briar Creek-Bakken, four wells on a standup 1920-acre unit; Williams County;
  • 31215, Oasis, pooling;
  • 31216, Oasis, pooling;
  • 31217, Oasis, pooling;
  • 31218, Oasis, pooling;
  • 31219, Oasis, pooling;
  • 31220, Oasis, commingling;
  • 31221, Oasis, pooling;
  • 31222, Oasis, commingling;
  • 31223, Oasis, commingling;
  • 31224, Enerplus, pooling;
  • 31225, Enerplus, pooling; 
  • 31226, Enerplus, pooling;
  • 31227, Enerplus, commingling;

The Big Story Today? Apple -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48489AAPL.

I might come back to this later. But I'm simply overwhelmed with so much Apple (AAPL) news.

I don't think folks are following this story close enough.

There's a reason that AAPL is up over $5 today. 

Off the net until later tonight. Except to post on other blogs. 

Intel (INTC) Vs Nvidia (NVDA) -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48488INTC.

Intel (INTC) vs Nvidia (NVDA).

I believe this has been posted at least once before. 

Link here.

AAPL, BRK -- BRK Has Sold About Half Its AAPL Holdings Over Last Six Months Or So -- August 29, 2024

Locator: 48487AAPL.

Tag: Apple, Berskshire. 

BRK-B hit a new 52-week high today.

It was my understanding that Warren Buffett had about 790 million shares of AAPL as of July 22, 2024, but then shortly after the first of August, it was reported that Warren Buffett slashed his Apple holdings by half.

So, it's my understanding he holds about 400 million AAPL shares -- needs to be fact checked. AAPL is up $5.27  today = x 400 million = $2.108 billion.