Friday, March 11, 2022

Agriculture: 2022

March 12, 2022: Ukraine bans fertilizer exports. Reuters.

March 11, 2022, from social media:

  • meat processors out a year because elites/wealthy stockpiling beef in freezers;
  • farmers in South can't get fertilizer for crops now;
  • farmers in Midwest are switching crops, cannot get either nitrogen or fertilizer;


  1. even if the beef is Shrink wrap packaged 1 year is the Maximum for Quality on that meat. i know here in So. MN when covid started the meat processors were backed up 6 months. There really are NOT that many OLD style processing Plants anymore. that take in a Farm Animal and go all the way from Live to ready to the table. don

    1. Buy, freeze, hoard like "laddering CDs." Start hoarding today; add some each month; use oldest first; can probably stretch process out two years; long enough to get through this.
