Monday, January 14, 2019

Saudi Arabian Oil Reserves -- What It Means -- Bloomberg -- January 14, 2019

Bloomberg op-ed: the new assessment of Saudi Arabia's reserves. For the third graph, regarding Venezuela, throw out Venezuela's heavy oil and Venezuela is #8 on the list.

Three graphs:

Throw out Venezuela's heavy oil and Venezuela is #8 on the list. 

A Most Distinguished Group

From Robert F. Bacher's short biography of Robert Oppenheimer, 1904 - 1967.
From pp 12+:
Fortunately several small groups that had been working on problems associated with the Metallurgical Laboratory in Chicago could be closed down now, and, if the personnel involved could be persuaded, might form a nucleus of a staff for Los Alamos.

Robert (Oppenheimer) was very persuasive. The largest number came from Princeton where Robert Wilson with a small group had been working on an alternative electromagnetic method of isotope separation.

Others came from Berkeley, Illinois, Cornell, Minnesota, Purdue, Chicago, and Wisconsin.

Robert (Oppenheimer) attracted a very strong theoretical group centered around those who had worked with him during the summer of 1942 and including Hans Bethe, Edward Teller, Victor Weisskoff, Emil Konopinski, Robert Serber, George Placzek, Robert Marshak, Robert Christy, and Richard Feynman.

It was an outstanding group.
The Summer of '42, Michel Legrand

Talk about brilliant (and fortuitous) casting. Barbra Streisand headed the list; Jennifer O'Neill was selected. I can't even imagine Streisand in that role.

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