Saturday, October 5, 2024

Enerplus In The Antelope -- Something To Watch -- October 5, 2024

Locator: 48501ENERPLUS.

The wells:

The pad to the north:

  • 37868, loc/loc, Enerplus, Flatiron 152-94-21C-16H-LL, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 37869, loc/loc, Enerplus, Shoal 152-94-21C-16H, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 37870, loc/loc, Enerplus, Fjord 152-94-21C-16H, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 37871, loc/loc, Enerplus, Hogback 152-94-21C-16H, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 37872, loc/loc, Enerplus, Arroyo 152-94-21C-16H, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 37873, loc/loc, Enerplus, Barchan 152-94-21C-16H, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 37874, loc/loc, Enerplus, Cirque 152-94-21C-16H, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;
  • 38588, loc/loc, Enerplus, Queen 152-94-29-32-LL, Antelope-Sanish, t--; cum --;

The older pad to the south:

  • 35068, 1,306, Enerplus, Terrapin 152-94-33D-28H, Antelope-Sanish, t9/19; cum 388K 5/24;
  • 35067, IA/326, Enerplus, Box152-94-33D-28H-TF2, Antelope-Sanish, t9/19; cum 337K 5/24;
  • 35066, 372, Enerplus, Painted 152-94-33D-28H, Antelope-Sanish, t9/19; cum 528K 5/24;
  • 35064, IA/687, Enerplus, Hawksbill 152-94-33D-28H, Antelope-Sanish, t9/19; cum 408K 5/24;
  • 35063, 1,291, Enerplus, Tortoise 152-94-33C-28H-TF1, Antelope-Sanish, t9/19; cum 514K 8/24;
  • 35062, 1,018, Enerplus, Leatherback 152-94-33C-28H, Antelope-Sanish, t9/19; cum 306K 8/24;
  • 35061, PNC/LOC, Enerplus, Aldabra 152-94-33C-28H-TF2, Antelope-Sanish,
  • 35060, PNC/LOC, Enerplus, Loggerhead 152-94-33C-28H-TF1, Antelope-Sanish,
  • 35059, PNC/LOC, Enerplus, Ridley 152-94-33D-28H-TF1-LL, Antelope-Sanish,

The maps (best to look from bottom to top):

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