Monday, September 23, 2024

Oh, My Goodness -- Fall Is Coming -- The Weather Is Gorgeous -- September 23, 2024

Locator: 48370ARCHIVES.

Apple iPhone 16: I don't know which variant, but Sara Eisen (CNBC) said she picked up her new iPhone 16 over the weekend. Her color: pink. Not surprising.

Jobs' vision: what an incredibly beautiful day here in DFW area! Sitting on a beach chair along the lake watching Sophia play soccer. Me, with wireless headphones, an Apple iPhone, and an Apple laptop, completely untethered, listening to --

Off-shore wind: the right whale.

Accelerated computing: link here.

Nvidia CEO JensenHuang argued that "Moore's Law is over" -- a reference to the principle espoused by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore that the speed of computers will double every two years. He maintained that the physical limits of fabricating semiconductors will get in the way. The solution to the problem in Huang's view, is accelerated computing. And no company beats Nvidia at designing the GPUs required to make accelerated computing possible.

Accelerated computing: link here.

Accelerated computing refers to the practice of using specialized hardware to perform certain types of computation more efficiently than is possible with general-purpose CPUs alone. This approach harnesses the power of hardware accelerators, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), to dramatically speed up the processing of complex algorithms and data-intensive tasks.
At its core, accelerated computing is about optimizing computational workloads by delegating specific tasks to the most suitable hardware. For example, GPUs are exceptionally well-suited for parallel processing tasks, making them ideal for applications in machine learning, scientific simulation, and graphics rendering. FPGAs offer the flexibility of being programmable after manufacturing, allowing them to be customized for optimal performance on specific tasks. ASICs, on the other hand, are tailor-made for a particular application, offering unparalleled efficiency for that task.
The integration of accelerated computing technologies into data centers and other high-performance computing (HPC) environments has been transformative. By significantly reducing the time required to process large datasets and complex computations, accelerated computing enables researchers, engineers, and data scientists to achieve breakthroughs in their fields more rapidly. From enhancing climate modeling and genomic sequencing to powering the latest AI algorithms, accelerated computing is a pivotal force in driving forward scientific and technological innovation.

Accelerated computing: tolks may want to take a look at this wiki page

Accelerated computing: Colossus, Bletchley Park, WWII.

The Book Page

With regard to reading, it's been a couple of very rewarding weeks. A book on the underground railroad, a book on Bletchley Park (WWII), a book on dinosaurs, and a book on the history of the horse. Not sure where I'll go next. 

After the book on Bletchley Park, I've ordered another book on the same subject, Colossus. Will arrive in the next day or so.

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