Thursday, October 21, 2021

All Pipelines Lead To Patoka, IL -- I Can't Make This Stuff Up -- Reason #7 Why I Love To Blog -- October 21, 2021

It's my impression that the EIA is pushing the renewable / global warming agenda. It's only my impression; I'm not saying it's true, but I about fell off my chair when I saw the EIA release yesterday. 

Because this post will get buried by additional posts over the next three hours, I will be-posting this.

From the EIA yesterday, in four screenshots:

I think that which is most surprising in the second and third screenshots is how quickly this all changed. It is absolutely amazing, at least for any of us paying attention.


  1. This map shows once again just how important Patoka, Illinois is as a hub. And what it doesn't show is that oil barges can come up as far as Patoka on the Mississippi river, and carry it down to the gulf, to the refineries... or perhaps even overseas...

    1. Thank you. I had to change the heading to the post: I added -- "all pipelines lead to Patoka, IL. LOL.
