Friday, September 3, 2010

Reminder: Bakken Market Basket Link at Top Right

Over the past couple of years, readers have sent in some useful suggestions for this site.

Perhaps the best suggestion was placing a list of the ticker symbols and quotes for the companies working in the Bakken.

I did that several months ago and I find it very, very useful.

If you haven't seen it, and you are interested in this sort of thing, the list is located at the top right of the blog, "Market Basket."

A few minutes, the entire list, except for SM (St Mary Energy) was green.  And, just now, checking it one last time before moving on, every company listed -- every company listed -- was green.  KOG is showing the highest gain, almost 2.5%.


  1. When I click on Market Basket it goes to Yahoo Finance page. I see no oil quotes. dholmen

  2. Thank you. Maybe the "site" is linked to my personal Yahoo!Finance page. I will try to fix it; it has been very, very useful for me.

    I will see what I can do.
