Saturday, February 20, 2021

Wow, Wow, Wow -- Texas Global Warming Supercycle Just Hit -- I Love Spectrum!! -- February 20, 2021


I spotted a frequently-talked-about-but-seldom-seen Spectrum utility truck in our complex at 12:05 p.m. -- just a bit after noon. 

I went to Albertson's, picked up one of the last few cartons of milk (for Sophia) and managed to put together three dozen unbroken eggs after going through five cartons! Whoo-hoo! I even mixed the very expensive brown eggs with the really cheap white eggs and made sure they were all in the white cheap cartons. When I got home, I found several more broken eggs, so Albertson's came out on top, but that's fine. I have about four dozen eggs in the refrigerator now for me and any neighbors that want any. I've sent photos to neighbors if they want any. [By the way, there' s a way to get a dozen eggs for 69 cents at the self-check out. Legally, I might add. That's about as inexpensive as I've seen for eggs. LOL]

But, can you believe that? The storm of the century. A Bloomberg crisis of unheralded proportions and electricity is back on even before the cold weather has completely moved on! And then water was restored within 18 hours or something like that. Minimal water impact and that was cleaned up by professionals in 24 hours. Again, this, a Bloomberg crisis of unheralded proportions; a 100-year storm. I've never seen the roads so busy. People out checking their plants. 

And Spectrum is back up! I saw the Spectrum utility truck at 12:05 p.m. -- just a bit after noon -- and when I returned from Albertson's about 12:45 the internet and wi-fi was back up. Just like old friends, my laptop shook hands -- well, maybe a fist / elbow bump -- with the modem, and there you have it. 

[It was amazing: it's almost as if Spectrum went one switch box, re-set the circuit breaker, and everything works perfectly. The technology is absolutely amazing.]

A few odds and ends and we're off to the races. I'm not sure I'm in the mood to do much serious blogging, but we'll see. 

I'll send a note of "thanks" to Spectrum on Monday. I've already sent a note of thanks to our apartment manager; will follow up in a day or to.

Sophia's school principal sent an e-mail out to all parents updating them on "things." Very, very accommodating. Will allow huge amount of flexibility regarding remote-learning / in-school learning. I've sent her a "thank you" already. I can't believe how responsive this elementary school is. Must be a Texas thing. 

By the way, before driving to Albertson's -- remember, it was about 12:05 when I left the apartment -- I noted the donut shop across the street run by a Japanese family that knows about as much English as I know Japanese and who closes every day on the dot at 12:00 noon. But their "open" light was on and, yes, indeed, the door was still open. I remarked on the time, asked why they were still open, I did not understand her answer but I think it was something along the line "we were closed for four days so we need to stay open to catch up." I don't think I've ever heard that from a government employee -- 'cept the military and they are on call 24/7. 

So, there you have it. Jalapeno kolaches for lunch and I got enough for our daughter who lives up the street with Sophia, et al. 

What a great country.  

I can't wait to turn television on to sports talk stations and see the update on Dak. LOL. Now that JJ and his Comstock stock is through the roof, he can afford to pay Dak anything the quarterback with the bad ankle wants. LOL. My hunch: Jerry Jones thinks he's in charge. 

Now I know how the Clampetts felt:

One day, no running water, no electricity, no internet ... and the next day? Rodeo Drive!

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