Sunday, February 26, 2012

One Canadian's Viewpoint on Killing the Keystone XL -- The President Made His Choice

The Source: Ezra Levant
Who's the big winner after the president killed the Keystone? In his view, it was Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Very, very interesting.

Wow, it's a very, very interesting video -- especially the embedded video in which the president says he would direct his agencies to get the US off OPEC and Venezuela oil within ten years. I had forgotten that speech.

Another data point:
100 percent of exported Canadian oil -- about 2.2 million bbls/day goes to the US. Compare with 500,000 bbls from North Dakota, with predictions of 1 million bbls by 2016. 
I don't know how much area in Canada is devoted to oil production, but the oil from North Dakota comes from about eight counties.

A big "thank you" to a reader for alerting me to the video which I had not seen.

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