Thursday, April 28, 2016

Soft Patch: President Obama -- The First President In History Who Never Delivered A Single Year Of 3.0%+ Economic Growth; Home Ownership Rate Third Lowest In History -- April 28, 2016


Later, 8:12 p.m. Central Time: as the stories keep rolling in on the economy, and President Obama trying to explain what Americans are missing and where to place the blame, I looked up the quote, "the emperor has now clothes" on the internet, and saw a photograph of the president playing golf. Just saying.

Original Post
I knew the "Lost Decade" was bad; I did not know it was this bad. The gatewaypundit is reporting and if it weren't for Drudge, I would not have known. Thank you, Mr Drudge.
On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance. 
Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%. 
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate. 
This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record. Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth. 
If the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.
Today's GDP report.

The news just keeps getting worse. With record low rates and huge emphasis on home ownership under this administration, home ownership rate is now the third lowest on record.  MarketWatch reports. As noted often, it's hard to make a mortgage payment when government mandates result in $2,000/month in health care premiums. 

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