Saturday, September 21, 2024

Intel -- September 21, 2024

Locator: 48348CHIPS.

Tag: intel, INTC.


September 22, 2024: how Intel fell -- The WSJ --

Original Post

Link here.

It appears that folks asking these questions haven't been doing even basic research.

Although it might not have been noticed in 2021, certainly by 2023 it was obvious.

Simply doing a google / wiki search would have returned the answer: 

Intel last appeared on this chart in 2021. And at the time, Intel was working on 14-nm technology while Apple had moved to 4-nm technology.

Chips are followed here. And even better, tech is tracked here.

The most recent update is here.

It appears the metric "number of transistors on a chip" is becoming a less important metric. More important now are SoC -- systems on a chip which includes CPUs, GPUs, and NPUS. Apple is among the few already marketing products with SoC for retail consumers.

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