Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Personal Investing -- Taxes

Locator: 47098PERSINV.

I'm starting a new series on investing that I can share with my extended family members, most of whom have Schwab accounts but little understanding about investing.

Anything I write here is meant only for my extended family members and no other readers. It is a starting point for discussion among the family members. Nothing is written in stone. These posts will be updated as conditions change. Blogs for this series will all be linked under the "Personal Investing" tab at the top of the blog. 

Again, this advice is for the money heirs will receive in their inheritance. It is not about their current financial management plan or their financial plan after we die, if that makes sense. The emphasis is on tax-free growth of retirement accounts and college education savings programs.

First And Foremost

Unless someone can tell me differently, the most important thing: do everything you can to grow your money tax-free. 

This blog on personal investing is directed to adult family members, with or without children:

  • who have earned income, or is married to a spouse with earned income;
  • who have earned income less than $250,000.01, joint filing;
  • who are saving / investing for retirement;
  • who are saving / investing for college expenses (or other educational expenses);
  • who know very little about investing but are eager to learn:

Highly advised:

  • the extended family members to whom this blog is addressed have established online accounts with a discount broker, preferably Schwab

Risk tolerance:
  • varies but I don't think I address or will address risk tolerance in these notes

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