Wednesday, December 8, 2021

From A Reader -- Native Americans, Batteries, Bets, And Target Practice -- December 8, 2021

The chief's most famous words: "I will fight no more, forever." 

That's exactly how I feel about renewable energy. I'm all in and investing accordingly. LOL. It's an open book test.

From a reader:
Chief Joseph's famous line.

Uttered in the movie by an actor named Ned Romero 😀.

Anyway, I don't know any of the Nez Perce language ... but, the first word I'd like to learn is "hypocrisy." [mic’yóox̣omtx will work for me.]

By the way - here's a photo of a lithium mine.  There are people that protest Canadian oil sands mining - but this is ok.  It's for batteries, so it's clean.  Spare me.

Anybody want to bet against me?  I've got $100 that says that battery will be target practice before the end of 2025.  

I guess I should make it $20.  Nobody would take my last standing bet.  I would have bet anybody that the Covid vaccines weren't going to be anything above 50% effective by the end of the year. Couldn't get anybody to bet $100 against me.  So - I've learned my lesson....  We'll set this bet at $20.

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