Saturday, December 26, 2020

That Spam Shortage Said To Be Due To Covid-Related Production Problems -- Fake News -- Connecting The Dots -- December 26, 2020

Next thing we will see reported by the US mainstream media: a shortage of Oreo cookies.

If you are not aware of the Spam shortage in the US, let me know and I will nominate you for the Geico Rock Award.

We've discussed it before on the blog. 

My sister couldn't find Spam for her traditional Christmas Adam dinner so she had to resort to a store-brand "spam," of which there is no shortage. 

There is no Spam shortage. 

Jeffrey Epstein didn't hang himself.

And Trump didn't lose the election; it was stolen. 

McDonald's is buying all the Spam they can get and sending it to China. And how did this become a "thing" in China? Chinese visitors to Hawaii who can no longer get to Hawaii due to Covid-19, have found a way to make Spam sandwiches even better. 

Screenshots below.

First, the fake news that the mainstream media bought into:

Second, the real reason there's a shortage of Spam in the US:

Third, tell me again there's a shortage of spiced ham sandwich meat in the US. There are so many knock-offs. Give me a break. The bad news: at least one of these (the one I've tasted) tastes better than the "real" Spam. 

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