Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Road To New England; Road To New York -- July 22, 2020


July 23, 2020: Nick and I live in two different universes. First, note the amount of energy that wind contributes to overall energy consumption in NYC (below) and then read the oilprice headline story: renewable energy is seizing market share during the pandemic. 

Later, 10:19 p.m. CDT: a reader noted, with regard to ISO New England below --
On the box to the left of the 'Fuel Mix Chart' (pie chart), is the 'Fuel Mix Graph'. 
If you click on the 3 horizontal lines at the top of this box,  actual numbers appear displaying the precise amount of contributory megawatts from each fuel source in 5 to 20 minute increments throughout the day.

Today, at 11:20 AM Eastern Time, the region was consuming ~19,000 Megawatts overall. 
Of this amount, wind contributed 33 Megawatts ... a share of less than one quarter of one parcent. 
This, on perhaps the highest demand day of the year so far.
Comment: I don't know about you, but I find that absolutely amazing: of 19,000 megawatts overall, electricity demand/consumption, wind supplied all of 33 megawatts. Think about how many news stories we've been subjected to over the years regarding wind energy -- and this is all they have to show for it after all this time. Thirty-three megawatts out of a total of 19,000 megawatts.

33/19,000 =  not that it matters but that works out to 0.17% wind contribution. Not even half of a percent. Not ever a fifth of one percent.

Original Post 

Link here.

ISO NY, link here: for all the ink the New York press devotes to wind energy --- here is wind energy contribution to NYC area:

Amazon uses a lot of electricity. Jeff Bezos was incredibly fortunate AOC stopped him from moving HQ2 to Long Island. Wow. He dodged a silver bullet.

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