Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 7: February 14, 2016 -- February 20, 2016

For me, without question, unfortunately, the top "story" this past week was learning that Bakken crude oil was selling for $16 / bbl. That's 38 cents a gallon. What does a gallon of milk cost. With oil so cheap, why is gasoline still (relatively) so expensive? Venezuela raised the price of gasoline to 15 cents/gallon from one-tenth of a penny per gallon, the previous day.

The real top story, however, might be the fact that Watford City's new high school opened last week, a $53 million project. Wow.

38 active rigs; is this the low?
Although daily production down slightly, ND crude oil production in December exceeded previous month

Is the Enbridge Sandpiper pipeline dead?

Random update of completed DUCs in 4Q15 since previous update 
Fracklog at 945, down slightly

Refinery operations
Calumet has completed its expansion at Great Falls
MDU and Calumet regarding the Dickinson refinery (same link)

Bakken economy
Watford City's new high school opens
Update on mandated closure of man-camps
Renaissance On Main nearing completion
Free tuition for WSC students extended to four area county high school graduates  

Crude oil build and increasing gasoline demand 
The crude oil build and the pricing of Bakken oil 
US gasoline stocks surge  

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