Friday, March 16, 2012

NPR Retracts Story on Apple/Chinese Working Conditions -- Absolutely Nothing To Do With The Bakken

NPR retracts the ENTIRE story

Thank goodness for free flow of information on the internet. Before the internet, before Drudge, the original, incorrect, fabricated story would have "gone viral" in the mainstream media. It is notable that this all happened on another big day in Apple's' history: launch of the new iPad.
The show will air an explanation on Sunday, claiming that the episode's narrator, Mike Daisey, misled the show during the fact-checking process, according to Silicon Alley Insider.
Misled? Sounds like they didn't do their own fact-checking.


1 comment:

  1. One of the biggest stories of the year, and I had missed it.

    Swift may be the biggest trucker.

    3-4 years.



    anon 1
