Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sand Quarries and Gravel Pits Everywhere -- Williston, Bakken, North Dakota, USA

There are sand quarries and gravel pits everywhere around Williston. This is just a small sampling of those northwest of Williston. I no longer know where the city limits are but these quarries are sited among residences and if not inside city limits, very, very close.  (And I posted photos yesterday of an even larger sand quarry near Trenton, North Dakota.) There are so many quarries, I won't post any more photos unless someone has a specific request, or there is a particularly large or noteworthy one.

It should be noted that I did not get close enough to them to sort out whether they are sand quarries or gravel pits. Maybe they are all gravel pits. Over time I may have a better feeling for the difference. For now, both result in a lot of truck traffic, and a lot of jobs.

The second photo is of MDU's Knife River division, new to Williston, and something I blogged about a long, long time ago, it seems. But this is the first time I actually saw it and recognized it as Knife River. I think I saw it earlier this year, but did not associate it with MDU.

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