Monday, November 22, 2010

A Big Thank You To Someone (He/She Knows Who I'm Talking About)

In a few days, I will probably delete this particular post because it's a bit personal and a bit treacly, but I owe someone a huge thank you. 

This references my posting and the subsequent comments about a group of Sagebrush wells, one of which was in the news today.  Sagebrush reported the results of one of the wells, and based on what I read / misread, I assumed the well was a vertical well, and not a horizontal well.

Someone wrote a note to tell me it was a horizontal well. I was rushed, taking care of my grandchildren, and did not take enough time to do the research to prove that, in fact, that was true. I was argumentative, suggesting that I was correct, that it had to be a vertical well. But the individual hung in there, and explained to me that the wells are indeed shallow wells and yes, the well was a horizontal. I was wrong; he/she was right.

I went back and saw that the evidence was there, had I just taken the time to read it. 

I have re-written parts of the original posting to make sure anyone who reads it knows the Erickson / Madison well is indeed a horizontal well -- but the post and the comments might seem a bit confused.

So, I owe one of my readers a huge thank you for sticking with me. I learned a lot, as I do every day with this blog.

Thank you.

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