Sunday, March 10, 2019

Global Warming Update In Minnesota -- March 10, 2019

From a reader this morning on the state of winter/spring -- snow/rain affairs in Minnesota.
So far this winter / spring:  69 inches of snow and .72 inch rain.
We are forecast to have rain on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week, approximately 1.4 inches of rain.

East of here near Rochester, MN, add about 15-20 inch on to the snow total.

The whole region: both Dakotas, all of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the two-thirds of Iowa have snow, snow, and more snow.

On top of that, the entire region was put into winter WET.

Folks I know around here from years ago (when they had whitetail deer season) could not cross the rivers, because the rivers were three-to-five feet deep. They remember because they could not get to their deer stands.

Thursday evening, a local weather station in Mankato (KEYC) Keyc were suggesting that this year's "flood" season could be like it was in 1965 - 1966. In the rural areas there are some roads that have a 25 -100-yard-long snow drift on one or both sides, drifts that are 6-7 ft tall.

South bound highways in the area are bad, but the east/west highways are even worse.
Some suggest that this winter ranks up there with:
  • 1965-1966, Mapleton, 
  • 1976 - 1978, Akeley, 
  • 1997- 1998, Akeley, and,
  • 2010 - 2011 in Bowman, ND.
The reader looks for a baby boom late this year. 
I forget the year, but I do remember the huge floods Iowa experience on I-29; shut down the interstate for a long, long time.

And I doubt anyone in North Dakota/Minnesota will forget the Red River - Grand Forks 1997 fire and flood.  

Meanwhile: A Reminder To Move Clocks One Hour Ahead


  1. Is it possible that Daylight Saving Time adds to Global Warming? Longer days means sun has more time to warm the atmosphere!

    1. You are exactly correct. The bad news is that Occasional-Cortex knows that, too, and is taking steps to outlaw sunshine after 4:00 p.m. except on Jersey short and California beaches.

    2. You guys are too funny.... This is one of the many reasons I love this blogsite!!

    3. And I try so hard to remain serious. But "readers" are not helping me. LOL. Thank you for taking time to write.
