Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Great Article in the National Review on the Bakken

Kent sent me the link to this story about the Bakken, but I did not know at the time whether it was ready to be released, so I waited. I see now that another blogger who "lives in the Bakken" has posted the link, so here it is: the Bakken from the National Review perspective.

Great article.


  1. Excellent article by Jay Nordinger. I like how he points out how North Dakota just didn't just fall into this economic wealth. It took a lot of forward planing by the state to change its economic picture and that all started with former Governor Ed Shafer.

    Certainty North Dakota has the resources as do many other states. It is just finding a way to do it and not be an impediment to development.

    North Dakota is a great example of the private and public sectors working together for the common good.

    1. Before I read that article, I had no idea how big a role Ed Shafer played in setting the framework.

    2. Hmm, I don't know, but a little bit more credit than is due might be being given to Governor Shafer. Look at page 6 of Lou Pugliaresi's presentation downloadable on the right hand side of this page and you'll see that peak production from the horizontal, non-fracked wells occurred a couple of years before Shafer was elected. Of course, with a Democrat (well, Dem-NPLer) as governor of the state at that time, I can understand The National Review being perhaps too vague in that part of the article.

      The link: http://csis.org/event/tight-oil-possibilities-challenges-and-policy-implications

    3. Interestingly enough, I never even gave that a thought. I was out of the state all those years. I always thought Governor Guy (Democrat-NPLer, also, I believe) was the best governor we ever had. North Dakota has been blessed with some great leadership.


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