Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spanish-Language Training For Hispanic Gardeners in Nevada -- Stimulus Dollars At Work -- Shovel-Ready Jobs -- Residential Landscaping

Link here.
A federal stimulus grant of nearly $500,000 to grow trees and stimulate the economy in Nevada yielded a whopping 1.72 jobs, according to government statistics. 

According to Recovery.gov, the U.S. government's official website related to Recovery Act spending, the project created 1.72 permanent jobs.  In addition, the Nevada state Division of Forestry reported the federal grant generated one full-time temporary job and 11 short-term project-oriented jobs.

"If the question is ‘was this a job-creating project?’ the answer is 'no, it wasn't,'" said Bob Conrad, public information officer for the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

The grant also funds Spanish-language training for Hispanics in the landscaping and tree care industry to "develop employability skills and increase job retention." 
I cannot make this stuff up.

Spanish-language training for Hispanics living in Nevada? Okay.


  1. Just traveled through Nevada last week. Didn't see a lot of trees (or much of anything else...) I-80 across Northern Nevada has got to be the most desolate piece of American Interstate I have ever seen.
    Point is, don't think the tree growing business is working, as for teaching hispanics to speak spanish- that boggles the mind beyond words

  2. Thank you for taking time to comment.

    I agree (with regard to teaching Spanish to Hispanics residing in Nevada). I was appalled when I saw that. I don't get it and I wouldn't even want someone to try to explain it to me.

  3. embraceyourinnerhillbillyAugust 29, 2011 at 12:43 AM

    >Spanish-language training for Hispanics living in Nevada? Okay.<

    >>Thank you for taking time to comment.

    I agree (with regard to teaching Spanish to Hispanics residing in Nevada). I was appalled when I saw that. I don't get it and I wouldn't even want someone to try to explain it to me.<<

    Easy to explain. Vote for Harry Reid and his ilk.

  4. My wife explained that maybe the journalist got it wrong: maybe they were going to teach Hispanics English.


    I agree with you.


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