Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Burning Oil To Generate Electricity In NE ISO -- December 21, 2021

From Javier Blas, twitter:
When you see fuel-oil power plants firing up, that's the telltale of a grid throwing some of it's very last defences (sic) to keep supply and demand balanced.

Re-posting from last night:

Link here.

For the past week or so, ISO NE has been very, very affordable; wind energy bringing overall price down. 

But it surprised me today. I wasn't surprised so much by the spike in price (6th decile) as I was about the "source" of that electricity: oil. Oil? Are you kidding me? I can't even imagine burning any oil at in the United States to generate electricity, but "NE" is literally right next to the biggest source of natural gas in the known universe. 

The Middle East burns oil to generate electricity, but in the United States?


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