Sunday, January 1, 2012

Idle Rambling -- Play-by-Play NFL Coverage and Politics

I always get a kick out of listening to sports announcers doing all they can to keep the audience from switching stations when the score is 42 - 3 and there's less than 6 minutes to play. They keep coming up with scenarios in which the losing team could stage a comeback: a kick-off return, followed by a recovered on-side kick, followed by a punt return touchdown, and so on.

That random thought crossed my mind while reading the CNNMoney story on the Keystone XL. Part of the tax extension deal was to require the president make a decision on the Keystone XL within 60 days. Political and business talk radio and talk television will milk this political theater for all its worth.

CNNMoney has it exactly right. Obama has three choices: a) approve it; b) deny it; c) kick the can down the road until after the 2012 election. Wow, I wonder what the president will do?

Both sides and all the talk shows will milk this story for all they can. It will result in political contributions and ad dollars. As with the payroll extension which amounted to 2% for 2 months (a pizza night out), analysts were able to keep folks on edge waiting to see how this would play out. Anyone who thought that the year would end with taxes going up .... well ...

So, just as we know the outcome of an NFL game at 42 - 3 with less than 6 minutes to play, and chuckle listening to the play-by-play announcers trying to make the game seem exciting, we will see the political equivalent in February, 2012.

The president's speech is easy: "60 days is not enough time to evaluate such an important decision ... we love Canada, our closest ally ... and we need/want their oil .... but 60 days not enough time ... so, I will direct the State Department to let Canada know we need/want their oil ... but we need to have TransCanada resubmit their bid so we evaluate a route that doesn't affect the MacGuffin the aquifer."

Oh, and by the way, square the $40 tax deduction, the 99-week unemployment benefits, and the $180 Nike Air Jordan Retro XI sneakers craze.

I can but I won't.

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